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OLD-Art Medienatelier
Events 2024
12. - 13. April 101. Elite-Auktion - 13. Sattelkörung / 101st Elite Auction - 13th Saddle Licensing
101. Elite-Auktion / 101st Elite auction
1 Diamonds Detto DE433330624119 Diamand Deluxe - Foundation - Sunny Boy
2 Mocca de Luxe DE433330749219 Morricone I - San Amour I - De Niro
3 Black Magic Friday DE435350148615 Magic Cornflakes - Casino Royal K WE - LP Rendezvous
4 Sotheby DE433330170320 Sezuan's Donnerhall - San Amour I - Dimaggio
5 Emporio DE433330005920 Escamillo - De Niro - Noble Roi xx
6 Fall in Love DE433330168820 Fonq - Christ - Lafitte
7 Toto's Song DE433330889017 Toto jr. - Voltaire - Sandro Song
8 Depeche Mode DE433330259219 Double Hit - Statesman - Argentinus
9 Chicago DE418180088519 Chacfly PS - Diarado - Acord II
10 Salinero DE418180177815 Schenkenberg - Converter - Quidams Rubin
11 Frau Geers DE418180299719 Stakkato Gold - Charming Boy - Le Cou Cou
12 Revolverheld DE433330372517 Radisson - Swarovski - Weltmeyer
14 Recall DE433330099519 Floriscount - Quatto B - Dimaggio
15 Wild Romantic DE433330875920 Wild Child - For Compliment - Longchamp
16 Fitano DE433330203620 Fidertanz - Destano - Hohenstein:T.
17 Society DE433330858319 San Amour I - For Romance I - Wolkentanz II
18 Fine Lady DE433330774519 Fürst Wilhelm - Don Frederico - Bold Indian xx
20 Stargold Balou DE418184005819 Stakkato's Golden - Cornet's Balou - Abke
21 Amiga DE418181247819 Armison - Contendro I - Falkenstern II
22 Denver DE418180432718 Diamant de Plaisir I - Collado - Armitage
23 Danny Gold DE433330461720 Dancier Gold - Dimaggio - Classiker
25 Eminent DE433330393020 Erdinger - Rohdiamant - Almeo
26 Queensland DE433330138120 Q-Sieben - Danone - Weltmeyer
13. Sattelkörung / 13th saddle licensing
101 Droplet DE431310211020 Don Schufro - Friedensfürst:T. - Absatz
102 Fürstensilber DE433334047921 Fürstenball - Belissimo M - Sandro Hit
103 Jorghino DE433330164621 Jovian - Sandro Hit - Ramiro's Matsch
104 Lovely Lennox NLD003202109360 Lennox U.S. - Vivaldi - Balzflug:T.
105 Mon Chateau DE433330037821 Morricone I - Don Romantic - Duntroon
106 So Special DE433330613420 So Unique - For Romance I - Stedinger
107 Tamino DE433330596321 Tarantino - Fürst Heinrich - Raphael
108 Tonik DE431310814021 Totilas - Zonik - De Niro
109 Viscount of Oldenburg DE4333306141121 Viva Gold - Sorento - Weltmeyer
110 Vinicio NLD003202007425 Vivino - Florencio I - Rubinstein I
111 Vince Charming NLD003202100648 Vivino - For Romance I - Charmeur
18. - 21. Januar Oldenburger Hengst-Tage / Oldenburg stallion days 2024
OS-Hengste / OS stallions
01 BEL015Z55428321 Camargo - Kashmir h Schuttershof - Flamenco Desemilly
02 DE418181107621 Casalido - Ogano - Quality
03 DE418180412221 Casallco - Numero Uno - Cantus
04 DE418180390521 Casino Berlin - Cornet Obolensky - Cassini I
05 NLD003202107290 Chacco Rouge - Arezzo VDL - Ukato
06 DE418184029521 Chacoon Blue - Casanova - Conterno Grande
07 DE418180378921 Chacoon Blue - Dominator Z - Catano
08 DE421000119521 Chopin - Calido - Acobat II
09 DE418180509321 Cicero Z - Avec Coeur - Zyklotron
10 DE418180010321 Conthalou - Ustinov - Contender
11 DE418184029621 Conthargos - Cornet Obolensky - Kolibri
12 NLD003202109750 Conthargos - Eldorado van de Zeshoek - Lux
13 DE418180388021 Cornet Obolensky - Cassini I - Con Air
14 BEL015Z55587521 Cornet Obolensky - Emerald van het Ruytershof - Nabab de Reve
15 DE441410098421 Cornets Carpaccio RT - Los Angeles - Monte Bellini
16 DE431310786121 Diablue PS - Cordino - Polydor
17 DE418180584821 Emerald h Ruytershof - Cornet Obolensky - Pilot
18 NLD003202100414 Emerald van het Ruytershof - Carinjo - Indorado
19 DE418180543221 Emerald van het Ruytershof -Toulon - Acordplus
20 NLD003202108994 Etoulon - Baltic VDL - Corland
21 BEL015Z55512321 Kannan Jr - Grosso Z - Goldfasan
22 DE418184029421 Kannatol - Contendro I - Last Liberty
23 DE418180580121 Kassander van het Roosakker - Calvados Z - Cassini I
24 NLD003202108631 La Costa ES - Voltaire - Burggraaf
25 DE418180577921 Ogano Sitte - Last Man Standing - Abke
26 DE418180065021 Ogano Sitte - Balou du Rouet - Pessoa
27 DE418180097121 Ogano Sitte - Lord Pezi - Quattro B
28 DE418180019621 Ogrion des Champs - Heartbreaker - Carthago
29 NLD003202101779 Pegase van het Ruytershof - Cascadello I - Cumano
30 DE441411154121 Pegase van het Ruytershof - Kannan - Verdi
31 DE 421000189621 Tangelo van de Zuuthoeve - Chin Champ - Coriano
32 BEL015Z55232721 Tangelo van de Zuuthoeve - Emerald van het Ruytershof - Quaid I
33 BEL015Z55400221 Untouched - Nabab de Rêve - Action Breaker
34 NLD003202108798 Uricas van de Kattenvennen - Clinton - Burggraaf
35 BEL002W00330188 Uricas d Kattevennen - Kannan - Heartbreaker
36 DE418184010021 Varihoka du Temple - Casallco - Diarado
OL-Hengste / OL stallions
40 DE 431310024221 Bellany - Finest - Londonderry
41 DE 433330765721 Bon Courage - Quaterback - Donnerhall
42 DE 431310658221 Bon Vivaldi - De Niro - Weltmeyer
43 NLD003202108625 Bordeaux - Galaxie - Vivaldi
44 DE 433330724321 Danciero - Londontime - Danone I
45 DE 433330014421 Dante Weltino - Don Schufro - Sevillano xx
46 NLD003202106083 Desperado - El Capone - Rousseau
47 DE 433330620021 Diamond First - Veneziano - Stedinger
48 DE 433330059121 Dimaggio Black - Daily Deal - Status Quo
49 DE 433330724421 Dynamic Dream - Fürstenball - Londonderry
50 DE 433334013921 Dynamic Dream - Bordeaux - Fürst Piccolo
51 DE 433330071821 Escolar - San Amour I - Regazzoni
52 DE 433330720421 Escolar - Fürst Heinrich - Figaro
53 DE 481810094221 Escolar - Ampère - Stedinger
54 DE 433332042021 For Romance I - Depardieu - Fürst Heinrich
55 DE 433332045321 For Romance I - Desperado - Sandro Hit
56 DE 433334002121 Franklin’s Love PS - Zonik - Stedinger
57 NLD003202105298 Friedrich der Große - Ampère - Zuidenwind
58 NLD003202105041 - Fürst Dior - Florencio I - Farrington
59 DE 433330389321 Glamourdale - Fidertanz - Sir Donnerhall I
60 DE 433330589721 Gobal Player - Fürstenball - Sandro Hit
61 NLD003202104290 Asgard’s Ibiza - Apache - Royal Bravour
62 DE 433330657521 In My Mind - Exclusiv - Freudenfest
63 DE 433330226821 Iron - Sarkozy - De Niro
64 DE 433330837821 Jovian - Cennin - Sir Donnerhall I
65 DE 433330608321 Le Formidable - Ampère - Weltruhm
66 DE 433330680621 Morricone I - Diamond Hit - Florestan I
67 DE 433330787421 Raven - Van Vivaldi - Florencio I
68 DE 433330793821 Sezuan - Fürst Romancier - De Niro
69 DE 431310816521 So Perfect - Benicio - Florencio I
70 DE 433334019521 So Perfect - De Niro - Sandro Hit
71 DE 433330553021 So Perfect - Rubin-Royal - Freiherr
72 DE 433330490621 Totilas - Sir Donnerhall I - Don Schufro
73 DE 433330333421 Va’Pensiero - Fidertanz - De Niro
74 NLD003202100785 Valverde - Fürst Romancier - Sandro Hit
75 DE 431319674021 Vitalis - Bonds - San Amour I
76 DE 431310798321 Vitalis - Don Primus - Wolkentanz II
77 NLD003202106100 Vitalis - El Capone - Rousseau
78 DE 433330776421 Viva Gold - Totilas - De Niro
79 DE 431316608621 Viva Gold - Florencio I - Sandro Hit
80 DE 431312511221 Von und Zu - Dancier - St. Moritz
81 DE 433330722221 Zack - Fürst Romancier - Stedinger
82 DE 433330053321 Zack - De Niro - Sandro Hit
Hauptprämie / award of main premium OS+OL
100 Escanto PS OLD v. Escamillo - Fürstenball - Totilas
101 Gut Wettlkam´s Feliciano v. Floricello - Boston - Lord Sinclair
102 St. Emilion v. Suarez Dante Weltino - Rubinstein I
Coeur Rouge v Conthargos - Casall - Cassini I
VTV-Hengst / VTV stallion OL
103 Vaderland OLD v. Vitalis Krack C - Contango
Events 2023
13. - 17. November Hengstvorauswahl / stallion pre-selection
OS Hengste / OS stallions
1 All Star – Comerade – Chacco-Blue 01 DE418180614721
2 Can Tici - Hickstead White – Abke 02 DE418180555021
3 Chacoon Blue - Canturano – Indorado 03 DE418180154821
5 Chopin – Carrico – Cantus 05 DE421000184021
6 Cornet de Semilly – Crawford – Linaro 06 DE418180463621
8 Crime is Colin - Cassiano – Artwig 08 DE441410801821
11 Hardrock Z - Clinton I – Corofino 11 DE421000287621
13 Cafe au lait - Acorado – Roderich 13 DE418180620021
15 Carembar de Muze - Contendro I – Ramiro 15 DE418181492021
16 Casall - Quo Vados I – Corofino 16 DE421000034121
21 Diaron - Harley VDL – C-Indoctro 21 NLD003202102047
22 Donthargos - Vaillant – Kenwood 22 NLD003202102197
23 Epleaser van't Heike - Cellestial - Kolibri 23 DE 431319866621
24 High Level - Diacontinus - Landor S 24 DE418180567121
25 Kannatol - Clearway – Labrador 25 DE418180570821
28 Von Holstein - Silvio I – Landadel 28 DE418180521621
30 Caribis Z - Couleur-Rubin - Acord II 30 DE431319886621
31 Casall - Cassiano - Contendro II 31 DE421000265821
33 Chacoon Blue - Classe – Cascavelle 33 DE418180581021
35 Comme il faut NRW - Gabbiano – Armitage 35 DE418180494821
36 Comthago VDL - Contender - Cor de la Bryere 36 DE418180600021
37 Conthalou - Cornet Obolensky - Casall 37 DE 418184012321
38 Conthargos - Chico's Boy – Corradino 38 DE418180419021
39 Cornet de Semilly - Cavalier – Columbus 39 DE418180560221
40 Cornet Obolensky - Ogano Sitte - Lord Pezi 40 DE 418180602821
42 Diamant de Plaisir I - Landsieger I – Alabaster 42 DE418181100521
43 Eldorado van de Zeshoek - Clinton II - Balou du Rouet 43 DE418180540421
46 For Planet - Stakkato Gold - Quattro B 46 DE441411189921
53 Stakkato Gold - Cornado I - Landor S 53 DE418180149221
56 Zirocco Blue - Namelus R – Cardento 56 NLD003202103044
58 Casall - Chin Champ – Libertino 58 DE421000256021
61 Casino Berlin - Landor S – Contender 61 DE418180500421
62 Cavoiro - H - Darco – Ramiro 62 DE418180019421
63 Cellestial - L'Ami – Carthago 63 DE418180252121
65 Charthago Blue - Cassini II - Carbano 65 DE 418180450121
67 Cieran - Diamant De Semilly – Darco 67 DE418180616121
69 Clarimo - Adagio de Talma – Cambridge 69 DE421000239721
70 Colman - Quintender – Couleur-Rubin 70 DE418180123121
71 Conthalou - Colestus - Corrado I 71 DE418184033521
74 Conthargos - Diarado – Caretino 74 DE418180437121
79 Cristallo I - Aragorn W - Chin Chin 79 DE418180401121
81 Diarado - Querlybet Hero - Nabab de Reve 81 BEL002W00328843
82 Donthargos - Chin Chin - Achill-Libero H 82 DE418180564621
85 Grandorado TN - Kannan – Cordalme 85 DE418180406921
88 Nevados S - Diamant De Semilly - Andiamo Z 88 DE418180019521
90 Silvaner DC - Apollo – Carano 90 DE431319609221
92 Bentley van de Heffinck - Check In – Waitaki 92 DE418180559321
93 Carrera VDL - Dallas VDL – Landstern 93 DE418180590821
95 Clarimo - Quibery – Caretino 95 DE421000040521
96 Conthargos - Drosselklang II – Watzmann 96 NLD003202106077
100 Crime is Colin - Captain Fire – Polytraum 100 DE441410078721
101 Eldorado van de Zeshoek - Ugobak des Baleines – Locato 101 FRA00121399386X
105 Zirocco Blue - Quidam de Revel – Candillo 105 BEL015Z55615621
106 Cellestial - L'Ami – Ritual 106 DE418180445921
107 Checkter - Diatendro – Forsyth 107 DE431319878121
109 Dubliner - Leovisto – Ramirado 109 DE421000054321
111 Lyjanero - Contendro I – Ramirado 111 DE421000001021
113 Van Gogh - Contendro I – Frappant 113 DE431314303521
OL Hengste / OL stallions
04 Dynamic Dream – Foundation – Dimaggio 4 DE433334039421
05 Escolar - Diamond Hit – Alabaster 5 DE433330159521
06 Fidertanz - Jack Jones - Fürst Heinrich 6 DE433330754721
08 Fynch Hatton – Fürstenball – Rohdiamant 8 DE433330113521
09 Jovian - For Romance I – K2:T 9 DE433330362321
10 Kardieno – Christ – Buddenbrock:T 10 DE431430808621
11 Lantanas - Dream Boy – Negro 11 NLD003202104278
12 Maracaná – Santano – Kennedy 12 NLD003202107713
14 So Perfect – Hennessy – Cocktail 14 DE433330793421
20 Bon Vivaldi NRW – Quatergold - Don Romantic 20 DE433332001921
21 Confess Color – Sarkozy – Stedinger 21 DE433330228521
22 Dancier Gold - Don Larino – Rouletto 22 DE433330018721
24 Dimaggio Black - Don Romantic – Fidertanz 24 DE433330330621
25 Dynamic Dream - De Niro – Hohenstein:T 25 DE433330223121
27 For Romance I – Sezuan – Fürstenball 27 DE433332044921
28 Fynch Hatton - Sir Donnerhall I – Hotline 28 DE433330045321
30 Las Vegas - Feinrich - De Niro 30 DE433330699521
31 Marc Cain – Uphill – Scandic 31 DE433330697321
33 Secret - Negro - Donnerhall 33 NLD003202103998
34 Springbank II – Millennium:T - Ampere 34 DE431319671921
36 Valverde – Samarant - Rubinstein I 36 DE433330208421
38 Benetton Dream - San Amour I - French Kiss 38 DE433330829521
39 Bonds - Likoto xx - Rubinstein I 39 DE433330304521
40 Bonds - Sir Donnerhall I - Fürst Romancier 40 DE433330582721
41 Dream Boy – Silbermond - Wilawander xx 41 DE433330457321
43 Dynamic Dream – Bentley - Rubinstein I 43 DE433334043121
44 Escolar – Connor – Catoki 44 DE421000135021
50 Fynch Hatton - San Amour I – Fidermark 50 DE433330534721
51 Fynch Hatton - Sandro Hit – Frisbee 51 DE433334025621
52 Jovian – Fürstenball – Weltmeyer 52 DE433330060021
53 Kjento - Uphill - Don Primaire 53 NLD003202100982
55 Moreno - Supertramp xx - Wolkentanz II 55 DE433332211621
57 Secret – Charmeur - Sir Sinclair 57 NLD003202103085
59 Sezuan's Donnerhall – Foundation - Del Martino 59 DE433334006821
64 Viva Gold – Sorento – Weltmeyer 64 DE433330641121
65 Von Und Zu - Belissimo M - Lauries Crusador xx 65 DE431311332921
66 Zack – Johnson – Donnerhall 66 DE433330751121
69 Bernay – Vivaldi - UB 40 69 DE427270122221
70 Bon Coeur - Lord Loxley – Ricardos 70 DE433330765321
72 Bonds – Hotline - Florestan I 72 DE433330505421
74 Bretton Woods - Don Nobless - Lauries Crusador xx 74 DE433330794321
75 Damaschino I - Royal Classic – Warkant 75 DE433330719721
77 Dancier Gold – Lugato – Sunny-Boy 77 DE433330377721
78 Despacito – Hohenstein:T – Donnerschwee 78 DE431311206621
84 In My Mind - Fürst Wettin - Likoto xx 84 DE433330532421
86 Kjento – Upperville – Zep 86 DE441411184421
87 Lord Europe - United - Vasco 87 DE 456560543721
88 Maracaná - Fürsten-Look - Sieger Hit 88 DE433330623521
90 Sir Donnerhall I – Apache - Don Schufro 90 DE441410569721
92 So Perfect – Fidertanz - De Niro 92 DE433330516921
93 Fidertanz – Zack – Quando-Quando 93 DE433330796921
94 Totilas - Florencio I - De Niro 94 DE433330832021
95 Va' Pensiero – Domherr - Dream of Glory 95 DE456560409321
98 Viva Gold – Dimaggio – Rohdiamant 98 DE433330282821
99 Viva Gold – Ricardos – Ferragamo 99 DE433330665821
100 Bellany - Don Romantic - Florencio I 100 DE433330547921
102 Dynamic Dream – Sirtaki - Florencio I 102 DE433330777421
104 Fahrenheit - Saint Cyr:T – Latimer:T 104 DE433330486721
106 Fürstenball - De Niro - San Amour I 106 DE433330801821
110 Glamourdale - Damon Hill - Fürst Romancier 110 DE433330383121
111 Invictus – Stedinger – Wesley 111 DE433330362521
112 So Perfect – Quaterback - Don Schufro 112 DE433330788521
113 So Perfect - Carry Gold – Granulit 113 DE433330045121
116 Vitalis - Fürst Romancier - Sir Donnerhall I 116 DE433330838321
119 Vivino – Temptation – Landtinus 119 DNK333DW2131227
124 De Niro Gold - Daily Deal – Bonheur 124 DE433330020421
125 Dimaggio Black – Rohdiamant – Absinth 125 DE433330188921
126 Donier – Expression - Apollonios xx 126 NLD003202108618
127 Donier - Finest Selection - Diamond Hit 127 DE433334042921
129 Expression – Oscar - Apollonios xx 129 NLD003202108619
131 For Romance I - Bailamos Biolley - Don Bosco 131 DE433330430121
132 For Romance I – Quaterback - Samba Hit I 132 DE433332044521
133 Fürst Zonik PS - Sandro Hit - Feiner Stern 133 DE433330788621
135 Glamourdale - Governor - Krack C 135 NLD003202110207
136 Iron – Uphill – Cabochon 136 NLD003202109161
137 Jovian - Diamond Hit - De Niro 137 DE433330757321
139 Kjento – Bordeaux – Cocktail 139 NLD003202110832
141 Secret – Governor - Krack C 141 NLD003202110206
142 Vaderland – Dimaggio - Brentano II 142 DE433330633721
143 Vivaldos - Ampere - De Niro 143 DE433330046121
144 Vivino - San Remo – Gribaldi:T 144 NLD003202103653
148 Don Romance - Sir Donnerhall I - Rubinstein I 148 DE433330113421
149 Dynamic Dream – Bordeaux - Sir Donnerhall I 149 DE433330510321
150 Escolar - San Amour I – Donnerhall 150 DE441410132521
151 First Date – Zhivago – Ronaldo 151 NLD003202103002
152 For Donnerhall - Lauries Crusador xx – Cavalier 152 DE431314505121
157 Fürst Dior – Johnson – Rohdiamant 157 NLD003202100039
158 George Clooney – Inspire - Florencio I 158 NLD003202107428
165 Totilas – Zonik - De Niro 165 DE431310814021
166 Vitalis - Fürstenball - Donnerhall 166 DE 433330132221
171 Zackerey – Londonderry – Duntroon 171 DE433330722621
172 Zackerey - Don Schufro - Fürst Heinrich 172 DE433330723521
174 For Romance I – Negro - Sandro Hit 174 DE433330614921
175 Bonds – Quaterback – Rohdiamant 175 DE433330515021
176 Vitalis - Dante Weltino - Don Romantic 176 DE433330251021
177 Sezuan's Donnerhall – Zonik – Riccione 177 DE433330778421
1. Oktober 100. Elite Auktion
01 D'Elegance DE433330755817 HE-Rpf D'Egalite - Sandro Hit - Riccione
02 Forgio DE433330670918 HE-Rpf For Dance - Sergio Rossi - Wolkentanz II
03 Escala Gold OLD DE433330654118 HE-Rpf Belissimo M - Rohdiamant - Ex Libris
04 Jakarta DE433330199819 HE-Rpf Fürst Toto - Sandro Hit - Rubinstein I
05 Val Kilmer DE433330731920 HE-Rpf Valverde - Fürst Wilhelm - Sir Donnerhall I
06 Aida DE418182674617 HE-Rpf Aganix du Seigneur - Rival Z - Olisco
07 Bella Rose DE418180081918 HE-Rpf Balou du Rouet - Corlensky G - Landor S
08 Cornelia DE418180285919 HE-Rpf Cornet de Semilly - Ignam:T - Cardiff xx
09 Cascada DE418180350718 HE-Rpf Comme il faut - Diamant de Semilly - Quick Star
10 El Mayassah DE418180312119 HE-Rpf Etoulon - Damiro - Carthago
11 Bella Secure DE433330826018 HE-Rpf Secret - Best of Gold - Rubin-Royal
12 Formidable DE433330083919 HE-Rpf Feinrich - De Niro - Rubinstein
13 Fine Romance DE433330888919 HE-Rpf Fidertanz - For Romance I - Londonderry
14 Queen Sarah DE433330280619 HE-Rpf Q-Sieben - Sir Donnerhall I - Akzent II
16 Breaking News DE433330882720 HE-Rpf Bonds - Desperados - Brentano II
17 Casalita DE418180060317 HE-Rpf Casallco - Cassini II - Landkaiser
18 Higgins DE418180196319 HE-Rpf Halifax v.h.Kluizebos - Cabrio v.d.Heffinck - Fuego du Prelet
19 Costa rica DE418180388919 HE-Rpf Conthargos - Balou du Rouet - Diarado
20 Déjà Vu Deluxe DE418180527219 HE-Rpf Dinken - Balou du Rouet – Titus
21 Felicio DE433330427423 HE-Fo Feliciano - Spörcken - Davignon
22 Emily DE433330572223 HE-Fo Escaneno - Indian Rock - Fürst Romancier
23 Henrietta DE433330834623 HE-Fo Henkie - Santo Domingo - Silvio I
24 Vei du mei DE433330828823 HE-Fo Vivaldos - Detroit - Sandro Hit
25 Zuper Boy DE433330639423 HE-Fo Zuperman - San Amour I - Don Schufro
26 Viernes DE433330495323 HE-Fo Vivaldos - Desperado - Fürstenball
27 Victoria DE433330052123 HE-Fo Vitalos - Millennium:Trak - Sandro Hit
28 Contario DE418180484723 HE-Fo Cornet Obolensky - Diarado - Argentinus
29 Casalina DE418180661723 HE-Fo Casall - Cornetino - Quirado
30 Domingo DE418180654723 HE-Fo Dominator Z - Toulon - Contendro I
31 Dream Catcher DE433330206223 HE-Fo Dream Royal - Sarkozy - Del Piero
32 First Ever DE433330003023 HE-Fo Fidertanz - De Niro - Romancier
33 Fairlas DE433330748423 HE-Fo Fair Deal - Totilas - Donnerhall
34 Excellent DE433330426823 HE-Fo Escaneno - Fürstenball - Sir Donnerhall I
35 Chapman DE418180678823 HE-Fo Chacoon Blue - Mylord Carthago - Contender
36 Gio LH DE418180004923 HE-Fo Grandorado TN - I'm Special de Muze - Quattro B
37 Cavalier DE418180537223 HE-Fo Casallco - Larimar - Alcatraz
38 Francis DE433330441523 HE-Fo Franklin - Fürstenball - Sandro Hit
39 Viva Moon DE433330114923 HE-Fo Vitalis - Zack - Fürstenball
41 Der Rubin DE433330853323 HE-Fo Dynamic Dream - Ampere - Rubin-Royal
42 Bon Voyage DE433330687323 HE-Fo Bon Courage - De Niro - His Highness
43 Denninger DE433330743223 HE-Fo Don Romance - Zonik - Stedinger
44 Bon Index DE433330382323 HE-Fo Bonds - Don Index - Warkant
45 Society DE433330014823 HE-Fo Segantini - For Romance I – Donnerschwee
47 Faible I.B. DE433330695619 HE-Rpf Fürst Toto - Fidertanz - Don Romantic
50 Bel Amie DE433330580317 HE-Rpf Vivaldi - Bordeaux - Sandro Hit
52 Quantum DE433330106918 HE-Rpf Quantensprung - Dimaggio - Lord Liberty G
54 Casanova's Girl DE433334033718 HE-Rpf Conthargos - Contendro I - Corlensky G
55 A-Banda DE418180478019 HE-Rpf Action Breaker - Zirocco Blue - Argentinus
56 Dodi Alpha Jet DE418180437519 HE-Rpf Dallas - Quite Easy I - Mowgli
57 Lloyd DE418181015619 HE-Rpf Lord Pezi Junior - Amani - Acord II
58 Vinito DE433330825820 HE-Rpf Vitalis - Fiderbach - De Niro
59 Le Filou DE433330562520 HE-Rpf Le Formidable - Chippendale - Royal Dance
60 Maracano ZR DE433330697320 HE-Rpf Maracaná - Floriscount - Dancier
61 Foreign Affair DE433330191220 HE-Rpf For Dance - Stedinger - Quattro
62 Estoril DE433330639320 HE-Rpf Escamillo - Stedinger - Donnerhall
63 Feine Dame DE433330852218 HE-Rpf Fürstenball - Sarkozy - Del Piero
29. August Fohlenregistrierung Vechta / Foal registration Vechta
02 DE433330423923 FRE Be my Dancer - Don Romantic - De Niro
05 DE433330586423 FRE Dream Royal - Fürstenball - Weltmeyer
08 DE433330531823 FRE Dynamic Dream - Feinrich - Fürst Romancier
09 DE433330704023 FRE Dynamic Dream - Temptation - Sandro Hit
12 DE433330556923 FRE Escanto PS - Don Romanov - Bordeaux
14 DE433330400923 FRE Federer - San Riant - Florencio I
15 DE433330609223 FRE For Dance - Dimaggio - Sandro
16 DE433330626823 FRE For Romance I - Sandro Hit - Landadel
17 DE433330727023 FRE Franklin - Florestan I - Argentinus
18 DE433330703923 FRE Fürstenball - Argentinus - Landadel
19 DE433330584623 FRE Fusionist - Bon Bravour - Davignon II
20 DE433330479423 FRE Goldberg - For Romance I - Sandro Hit
21 DE433330338423 FRE Infantino - Cordial Medoc - Lucky Ghost
22 DE433330378323 FRE Just Wimphof - Quantensprung - Floriscount
24 DE433330443123 FRE Morricone I - De Niro - Florencio I
25 DE433330296723 FRE Negro - Fürstenball - Sandro Hit
26 DE433330423523 FRE Next Level - Fit For Fun - Davignon II
27 DE433330519523 FRE Qandide - Doolittle - Ferragamo
28 DE433330632123 FRE Qaside MD - Royal Diamond - Sandro Hit
30 DE433330691523 FRE Scolari - For Romance I - Don Gregory
31 DE433330687423 FRE Secret - Fürst Romancier - Sandro Hit
32 DE433330557023 FRE Secret - De Niro - Sandro Hit
34 DE433330047923 FRE Skyline to B - Dante Weltino - Rubinero
35 DE433330498723 FRE Viva Gold - Sergio Rossi - Rubinstein I
36 DE433330775623 FRE Vivaldon - Don Schufro - Fürstenglanz
37 DE433330044523 FRE Vivaldos - Dimension - Plaisir d'Amour
38 DE433330401023 FRE Vivaldos - For Dance - San Riant
40 DE433330629123 FRE Zackerey - Farrell - Diamond Hit
41 DE433330521223 FRE Zauberlehrling PS - Landor - Flamenco
42 DE433330857823 FRE Morricone I - Status Quo - Romancier
43 DE433330596123 FRE Best of Gold - De Niro - Floresco
301 DE418180224823 FRE Aganix du Seigneur Z - Conthargos - Larome
302 DE418180444223 FRE Asterix de Couleur - Caretinus - Controller
303 DE418180662423 FRE Asterix de Couleur - Chaccodello - Zapateado
304 DE418180548523 FRE Baloutaire PS - Vivant van de Heffinck - Converter
305 DE418180558023 FRE Casallco - Balou du Rouet - San Fernando
306 DE418180504623 FRE Chaccothage Blue PS - Armitage - Siyah Kalem xx
307 DE418180658223 FRE Conthalou - Diarado - Caretello B
308 DE418180654823 FRE Conthalou - Quality - Cockpit
310 DE418180504723 FRE Diablue PS - Kaiserwind - Levisto
311 DE418180384223 FRE Diacontinus - Askari - Capo
312 DE418180418023 FRE Highland White - Acasino B - Acord I
313 DE418180426123 FRE Jasper - Corlensky G - Landor S
314 DE418180672623 FRE Ogano Sitte - Chaccato - Argentinus
27. August 31. Fohlenmarkt
26. August 31. Elite-Fohlenauktion
01 Fantastic Diamond DE433330486223 For Romance I - Floriscount - Rohdiamant
02 Valentin DE433330523223 Va Bene - Sir Donnerhall I - Depardieu
03 Dream Time DE433330404023 Dynamic Dream - Henkie - San Amour I
04 Valentina DE433330426723 Vivaldos - Stedinger - Rohdiamant
05 Felix DE433330656023 Feliciano - San Amour I - Fidertanz
06 Vievienne DE433330061223 Vivaldos - Belissimo M - Sidney
07 Der Traum DE433330016323 Dynamic Dream - De Beau - De Vito
08 Dutch Courage DE433330149923 Dutch Dream - Fidertanz - Sir Donnerhall I
09 Für Dich DE433330240723 Fürst Zonik PS - Desperados - Sandro Hit
10 Django S DE433330738723 Dynamic Dream - Foundation - Sandro Hit
11 So sweet DE433330496223 So Perfect - Franziskus - Sir Donnerhall I
12 Contador DE418180233023 Conthargos - Diarado - Argentinus
13 Chaccosall DE418180430223 Chacco's Son I - Conthargos - Casall
14 Memphis DE418180433123 Meganus PS - Vivant van de Heffinck - Arpeggio
15 Viber DE418180500923 Vingino - Comme il faut NRW - Cassini I
16 Dianella DE418180318023 Diamant de Semilly - Contendro I - Zeus
17 Formel Eins DE433330115223 For Dance - Sandro Hit - Donnerhall
18 Reina Sofia PG DE433330384123 Viva Gold - Rock Springs - Hampton
19 Las Cruces DE433330129023 Las Vegas - Vivaldi - Welt Hit II
20 Phanegra HR DE433330771023 Fanegro - Aljano - Acorado
21 El Presidente DE433330743523 Elastic - San Amour I - Rohdiamant
22 Fabiola DE433330720823 Foundation - San Amour I - Donnerschwee
23 Dry Gin DE433330482223 Damaschino - Beltano - Sandro Hit
24 A Pleasure to have DE418180662123 Aganix du Seigneur - Diamant de Semilly - Erco van't Roos
25 Con Cornet DE418180556823 Conthargos - Cornet Obolensky - Coriano
26 Chacco's Top DE418180659523 Chaccothage Blue - Graf Top - Stakkato
27 Di Caprio DE418180542823 Diaron - Lordanos - Concetto
29 Touch me DE433330000523 Total Diamond - Fürst Romancier - Rubinstein I
30 Fähnrich DE433330624023 Follow Him's Schönweide - Herbstkönig:T.
31 Die da DE433330325323 Dimaggio Black - Bon Coeur - Hotline
32 Dynamic Hit DE433330726623 Dynamic Dream - Diamond Hit - Florestan I
33 Essence DE433330743823 Escanto PS - Vitalis - San Amour I
35 Unbeatable DE418180297523 Untouchable - Cardento - Grannus
36 Hampton DE418180648823 Hardrock Z - Lord Pezi Junior - Santander H
37 Diarado Blue DE418180486623 Dia Corrado - Chacoon Blue - Contendro I
38 Casablanca DE418180643523 Cabrio v.d. Heffinck - Lux - Burggraaf
39 Candy Man DE418180451123 Cador - Casiro I - Quattro B
40 Morrison DE433334506323 Morricone I - San Amour I - Diamond Hit
41 Delightful DE433330763523 Dynamic Dream - Morricone I - Diamond Hit
42 Valdo Superior DE433332225623 Valdiviani - Fidertanz - Depardieu
43 Cappucina Ballante DE433330788423 Kjento - Sandro Hit - Donnerschwee
44 I'm Romantic DE433330784923 Asgard's Ibiza - Don Romantic - Lord Liberty G
46 Boccaccio DE433330058623 Bonds - San Amour I - Fürst Heinrich
47 Maybach VC DE418180639123 Mylord Carthago - Argentinus - Alme Star
48 Cara DE418180552623 Casallco - Cornet Obolensky - Singular Joter I
49 Basto VDH DE418180635823 Cornet's Balou (Balou du Reventon) - Cash - Emilion
50 Magnus DE418180504323 Meganus PS - Clinton I - Claudio
51 Commissar DE418180415723 Comme il faut - Toulon - Landadel
52 Vicky DE433330153323 Vitalis - Desperados - Fürst Heinrich
53 Done for Fun DE433330704723 Dynamic Dream - Escolar - Sandro Hit
54 Felice DE433330656223 Feliciano - Donnerball - Landadel
55 Il Mondo DE433330349723 Asgard's Ibiza - Fürstenball - Wolkentanz
56 Chacoon du Chateau DE418180662823 Chacoon-Blue - Diamant de Semilly - Galoubet A
57 Charly Brown DE418180421223 Charthago Blue - Cordalme - Grannus
58 Caspari DE418180552923 Casallco - Numero Uno - Cantus
59 Vamos DE418180653323 Vingino - Diarado - Cracker Jack
60 Baron de Ley DE433330514523 Baron - Floriscount - Stedinger
61 Bon Prix DE433330261623 Bonds - Stalypso - Looping
62 Virados DE433330004523 Viva Gold - Desperados - Rubin-Royal
63 Best Buddy DE433330578723 Be My Dancer - Uphill - Scandic
65 Diaconthage DE418180407123 Diablue PS - Conthargos - Armitage
66 Melbourne DE418180649023 Mylord Carthago - Quinar - Voltaire
67 Zirkon Dream DE418180642223 Zinedream - Quality - Casado
68 So gut DE433330468023 Secret - For Romance I - Dormello
69 Fortepiano DE433330540323 Forte per me - Rock Forever I - Really Fabulous xx
70 Down to Earth DE433330129223 Downtown - Negro - Welt Hit II
71 Feine Welt DE433330623423 Follow Him's Schönweide - Dante Weltino - Sandro Hit
20. Juli Elite-Stutenschau Rastede
01 Apardi’s Contendra DE418180197819 Apardi - Contendro I
03 Coeur Courage CM DE418180283220 Christian - Chacco-Blue
04 La Grise DE418180149820 Christian - Landor S
05 Colleen DE418180388419 Conthargos - Action Breaker
06 Wolke DE418180106420 Conthargos - Crawford
07 Cleopatra DE418180491020 Cornet Obolensky - Toulon
10 Donna Baroness DE433330131419 Baron (DK) - Fidertanz
11 Beloved DE433330138520 Bernay - Fürst Larino
12 Bonnie DE433330295320 Bonds - Don Schufro
13 Miss Bonny S DE433330292620 Bonds - Donnerschwee
14 Die Erdinger DE433330789120 Erdinger - Destano
15 Mirabelle DE433330499419 Escamillo - Don Romantic
17 Fashiontime DE433332609720 Escamillo - Vivaldi
18 Wunderbar DE433330103619 Florenz - De Niro
20 Donna Aurelia DE433330440219 Follow Him's Schönweide - Don Schufro
21 Florida DE433330074120 For Dance - Quaterback
22 For Ever Jane DE433330767320 For Romance I - De Niro
23 Filomena DE433330384920 For Romance I - Jazz
24 Fleur Unique DE433330004819 Foundation - Fürst Romancier
25 Anna Katharina DE433330695619 Fürst Toto - Fidertanz
26 Golden Sunshine H DE433330017420 Fürst Wilhelm - Desperados
27 HP Elfentraum DE433330555220 Fürstenball - Diamond Hit
28 Fynch Love DE433334104420 Fynch Hatton - San Amour I
30 Elsa DE433332055820 La Vie - Christ
31 Sun la Vie DE433330165119 La Vie - Couleur Rouge
32 La Primavera DE433330310519 La Vie - Sir Donnerhall I
34 Jovina van't Studutch DE433335010920 Jovian - Fürst Romancier
35 Allerliebste H DE433330090919 Maracana - Swarovski
36 Nea Montana DE433332135819 Millennium/T. - Sir Gregory
37 Mocca de Luxe DE433330749219 Morricone I - San Amour I
38 Bellini DE433334150820 San Amour I - Fürst Romancier
39 Saluna W DE433330060919 Secret - Wolkenstein II
40 Royal-Hope DE 433330039820 Total Hope - Danciano
41 Viva Diamond DE433330342920 Vitalis - Don Diamond
42 Saint Lavinia DE433330152319 Vitalis - Sandro Hit
43 Elfengold DE433330523720 Viva Gold - De Niro
44 Verynice DE433330074520 Vivaldos - Ampere (NLD)
45 Vivalerina DE433330037320 Vivino - Don Romantic
46 Jolie Fleur DE433330158420 V-Plus - Belantis I
47 Dua Lipa BS DE433330672419 Zackerey - Don Juan de Hus
48 Princess O DE433330892720 Zackerey - Gribaldi/T.
14. Juli Fohlenchampionat Bonefeld / Foal championship Bonefeld
01 DE433330768923 FRE Be my Dancer - Christ - Marek x
03 DE433330020523 FRE Diaron - Champion For Pleasure - Sandro
04 DE433330797823 FRE Don Romance - Rotspon - Lauries Crusador xx
06 DE433332224723 FRE Escaneno - Benicio - Diamond Hit
08 DE433332003223 FRE Flashbang - Jazz - Rohdiamant
10 DE433330736023 FRE Asgard's Ibiza - Serano Gold - Rohdiamant
13 DE433330788523 FRE Rigoletto Ballante - Fiderbach - Diamond Hit
14 DE433330717023 FRE Sandro Hit - Lord Loxley - Ricardos
15 DE433330798023 FRE Santo Domingo - Fürst Jazz - Bonifatius
16 DE433330790723 FRE Total Hope - Fürst Romancier - Sir Donnerhall I
17 DE433330719823 FRE Total McLaren - Dante Weltino - Latimer/T.
18 DE433330654923 FRE Va Bene - Florencio I - Rubinstein I
20 DE433330525423 FRE Vitalis - Fürstenball - Rohdiamant
21 DE433330812123 FRE Belissimo M - Ehrenstolz - Lugato
22 DE433330058423 FRE Bohemian - Glorieux - De Niro
23 DE433330550623 FRE Fair Game - Acorath - De Niro
24 DE433330681323 FRE Glamourdale - Ricardos - Ferragamo
26 DE433330492223 FRE Insterburg/T. - Sirtaki - Prinz Miro
27 DE433330524723 FRE Kjento - Sir Donnerhall I - Florencio I
28 DE433330609623 FRE Prime Time - For Dance - San Amour I
30 DE433330674323 FRE Vidar - Zoom - Fandsy AA
31 DE433330608723 FRE Vivaldos - Sir Donnerhall I - Fürst Romancier
32 DE433330019423 FRE Sky - Diamond Hit - Guy Laroche/T.
301 DE418180647123 FRE Aganix du Seigneur Z - Kashmir van het Schuttershof - Cardino
302 DE418180656023 FRE Cardento - Untouchable - Vigo D'Arsouilles
304 DE418180627823 FRE Comme il faut NRW - Goldfever I - Lanthan
305 DE418180607423 FRE Eldorado van de Zeshoek - Ustinov - Kannan
306 DE418180656923 FRE Emerald van het Ruytershof - Heartbreaker - Cardino
307 DE418180183623 FRE Jasper - Diarado - Colbert
308 DE418180421323 FRE Kassander van 't Roosakker - Carrico - Ludwig von Bayern
309 DE418180626723 FRE Quel Homme de Hus - Vagabond de la Pomme - Big Star
310 DE418180627123 FRE Querido VG Z - Mylord Carthago - Nekton
311 DE418180657423 FRE Ustinov ME - Quick Star - Diamant De Semilly
312 DE418180656523 FRE Vagabond de la Pomme - Heartbreaker - Cardino
313 DE418180492723 FRE Vatson Sitte - Kannan - Ludwig von Bayern
314 DE418180648023 FRE Zirocco Blue - Ludwig von Bayern - Silvio I
315 DE418180390123 FRE Chamberland - Chacco-Blue - Calvaro
317 DE418180627223 FRE Codex One - Cardento - Big Shuffle xx
318 DE418180471623 FRE Coeur de Bella Donna - Spartacus - Landor S
319 DE418180657323 FRE Comme il faut NRW - Quick Star - Diamant De Semilly
320 DE418180420123 FRE Emerald van het Ruytershof - Zirocco Blue - Catoki
321 DE418180656323 FRE Heartbreaker - Goldfever I - Lanthan
322 DE418180656623 FRE Mylord Carthago - Conte Bellini - Darco
323 DE418180648423 FRE Querido VG Z - Stedinger - Pik Bube I
324 DE418180618423 FRE Untouchable - Diamant De Semilly - Kannan
325 DE418180656823 FRE Vagabond de la Pomme - Conte Bellini - Darco
326 DE418180495223 FRE Jasper - Untouchable - Cellestial
13. Juli Fohlenchampionat Malching / Foal championship Malching
01 DE433330786823 FRE Bonds - Ganymedes - Florestan I
02 DE433330833823 FRE Qandide - Rock Forever I - Jazz Rubin
03 DE433330552123 FRE Don Romance - Zatchmo - Rubin-Royal
04 DE433330833923 FRE Qandide - Rock Forever I - Florestan I
05 DE433330700223 FRE Vitalis - Florencio I - Dormello
06 DE433330658023 FRE Va Bene - Dream Boy - Londonderry
07 DE433330630523 FRE Rom - Weltmeyer - Alabaster
302 DE418180645723 FRE Clooney - Charisma I - Prinz Pilot
303 DE418180420823 FRE Cornet's Quaprice - Cosido - Kolibri
305 DE418180161823 FRE Jasper - Diamant De Semilly - Cassini I
307 DE418180153823 FRE Coros - Lancer III - Pilot
308 DE418180290523 FRE Vingino - Quality - Landadel
8. Juli Fohlenchampionat Grebin / Foal championship Grebin / NUR VIDEOS
2. Juli Fohlenchampionat Wernau / Foal championship Wernau
02 DE433330001323 FRE Escanto PS - Follow Me - Sir Donnerhall I
03 DE433330455323 FRE Escolar - Sir Donnerhall I - Florestan I
04 DE433330437723 FRE Ferguson - Bernay - Fidertanz
06 DE433330489723 FRE Finest Hour - Fidertanz - Sandro Hit
07 DE433330755223 FRE Total Diamond PS - Danciano - Fürst Heinrich
08 DE433330001423 FRE Total McLaren - Secret - De Niro
09 DE433330475323 FRE Veto - Quateron - Sandro Hit
10 DE433330732823 FRE Vitalis - Fürst Romancier - Sandro Hit
11 DE433330539623 FRE Bonjour - Floriscount - Donnerhall
14 DE433330345123 FRE In My Mind - Fidertanz - De Niro
15 DE433330790823 FRE Secret - Bon Coeur - Fürst Wettin
16 DE433330755123 FRE Total Diamond PS - Finest - Weltruhm
17 DE433330721323 FRE Total McLaren - Sir Donnerhall I - Royal Hit
301 DE418180400623 FRE For Planet - Clinton I - Lancer II
302 DE418180427223 FRE Grey Butt - Casero - Quinar
304 DE418180165623 FRE Tangelo van de Zuuthoeve - Cayton - Ratsherr
305 DE418180398123 FRE Vingino - Vivant van de Heffinck - Baloubet du Rouet
1. Juli Fohlenchampionat Homberg/Ohm / Foal championship Homberg/Ohm
01 DE433330498223 FRE Diamond First - Don Frederic - Abanos
03 DE433330195923 FRE Dream Royal - For Romance I - Abanos
04 DE433330484623 FRE Ellis - Destano - Wolkentanz
05 DE433330589423 FRE Ellis - Scuderia - Fiorano
06 DE433332226623 FRE Escaneno - Quaterback - Weltmeyer
07 DE433330408223 FRE Escanto PS - Diamonit - Sandro Hit
08 DE433330598723 FRE Escolar – Johnson
09 DE433330574623 FRE Fair Deal - Danone I - Dinard L
10 DE433330445923 FRE For Romance I - Danone I - Airport
11 DE433330553123 FRE For Romance I - Secret - Sir Donnerhall II
12 DE433330463523 FRE For Romance I - Dante Weltino - San Amour I
13 DE433330711823 FRE Fynch Hatton - Negro - Sandro Hit
14 DE433330820623 FRE Go for Romance PS - Don Nobless - Stedinger
15 DE433330408123 FRE Asgard's Ibiza - Fidertanz - Donnerschwee
16 DE433330544023 FRE Maddox Mart - Weltmeyer - Rohdiamant
18 DE433330807723 FRE Santos - Libertad - Laristinus
19 DE433332100023 FRE Secret - Fürstenball - Stedinger
20 DE433330574723 FRE Sezuan's Donnerhall - Dante Weltino - His Highness
21 DE433330745423 FRE Sir Donnerhall I - Fidertanz - De Niro
22 DE433330498123 FRE St. Emilion - Bernay - Gribaldi/T.
23 DE433330573723 FRE St. Emilion - Fürst Romancier - Sandro Hit
24 DE433330449423 FRE Va Bene - Sungold - Depardieu
25 DE433330539523 FRE Viva Vitalis - Licosto - Worldly
26 DE433330073123 FRE Best of Gold - Licotus - Ambassadeur
27 DE433330639223 FRE Bonds - Rubin Cortes - Ex Libris
28 DE433330393823 FRE Despacito - Romanov Blue Hors - Alphard xx
29 DE433330400223 FRE Don Schufro - Morricone I - Fürst Romancier
32 DE433330151823 FRE Ellis - Lauries Crusador xx - Feiner Stern
33 DE433330632623 FRE Endorphin - Bon Bravour - Rohdiamant
34 DE433330449823 FRE Extra Gold - Fürstenball - Stedinger
35 DE433330151923 FRE Extra Gold - Cheenook - Silvano
37 DE433330656623 FRE Feliciano - Rubin-Royal - Sungold
38 DE433330089023 FRE Fidertanz - Demirel - Rubinstein I
39 DE433330015023 FRE For Romance I - Danciano - Laurentio
40 DE433330096823 FRE Glamourdale - Rubin-Royal - Levantos I
41 DE433330392123 FRE Imperial Valley/T. - Licotus - Rolls Royce
42 DE433330789023 FRE Jovian - Millennium/T. - Kasparow/T.
43 DE433330756823 FRE Jovian - Morricone I - Fürst Romancier
45 DE433330604323 FRE Livaldon - Aljano - Carpaccio
46 DE433334504323 FRE Morricone I - San Amour I - Silvio I
47 DE433330096923 FRE Morricone I - Dream On - Ehrentusch
48 DE433330662823 FRE San to Alati - Don Primus - Diamond Hit
49 DE433330632723 FRE Santos - Fürst Romancier - San Amour I
50 DE433330551723 FRE Shu Fu - Escudo I - Raphael
51 DE433330741423 FRE Sir Donnerhall I - Abanos - Gribaldi/T.
53 DE433330300723 FRE St. Emilion - Sir Donnerhall I - Donnerschlag
55 DE433330506623 FRE Va' Pensiero - Stedinger - Grandeur
57 DE433330675223 FRE Vidar - Le Vivaldi - Drakdream
58 DE433330553023 FRE Vision - Quaterback - De Niro
59 DE433330556023 FRE Vitalis - For Romance II - Sandro Hit
61 DE433330708923 FRE Vivaldon - Dante's Junior - Rohdiamant
62 DE433330492023 FRE Vivaldos - Dante Weltino - Argentinus
301 DE418180378123 FRE Chacco's Son - Diarado - Contender
302 DE418180554123 FRE Chacoolou PS - Acadius - Diarado
303 DE418180520923 FRE Contrast - Golliath Life - La Paz
304 DE418180516623 FRE Contrast - Golliath Life - Gropius
305 DE418180650723 FRE Covalliero - Chico's Boy - Amarillo
306 DE418180365723 FRE Manoulito - Blackstone - Severus xx
307 DE418180548323 FRE Meganus PS - Curriculo - Don Dior
308 DE418180646523 FRE Carrera VDL - Lord Pezi - Balou du Rouet
310 DE418180502623 FRE Cornet's Quaprice - Balou du Rouet - Glorieux
311 DE418180447123 FRE Cornet's Quaprice - Cabarlord - Carte d'Or
312 DE418180554223 FRE For Cassius - Aljano - Claudio's Son
314 DE418180450123 FRE Untouchable - Contendro I - Espri
315 DE418180449723 FRE Comme il faut NRW - Coupe de Coeur - Quidam de Revel
18. Juni Fohlenchampionat Vechta / Foal championship Vechta
03 DE433330169923 FRE Bon Vivaldi NRW - De Niro - Fürst Heinrich
05 DE433330672623 FRE Despacito - All Inclusive/T - Freudenfest/T
06 DE433330473623 FRE Dynamic Dream - Don Romantic - Rohdiamant
07 DE433330407323 FRE Dynamic Dream - Quantensprung - Caprimond/T
08 DE433332224323 FRE Escaneno - Sandro Hit - Akzent II
11 DE433330709223 FRE Escanto PS - Don Schufro - Florencio I
14 DE433330800923 FRE Escolar - Diamond Hit - Wandergesell
18 DE433330079923 FRE Fair Deal - San Amour I - Carry Gold
21 DE433330127323 FRE Feliciano - Millennium/T - Samarant
22 DE433330578823 FRE Ferguson - Santano - Kennedy
23 DE433330590423 FRE Fidertanz - Feinrich - De Niro
24 DE433330510823 FRE Finest Hour - Sarkozy - Rubinstein I
25 DE433330475623 FRE For Dance - St Patrick - Bernay
28 DE433330476823 FRE Fynch Hatton - Faustinus - Figaro
29 DE433330809323 FRE Fynch Hatton - Diamond Hit - De Niro
32 DE433330512223 FRE Asgard's Ibiza - Florestan I - Donnerhall
33 DE433330725023 FRE Jovian - De Niro - Fürst Romancier
34 DE433330665923 FRE Maddox Mart - Vivaldi - Detroit
35 DE433330500223 FRE Monte Carlo TC (DWB) - Fürstenball - Donnerschwee
39 DE433330692723 FRE Santos - Romanov Blue Hors - Aquilino
41 DE433330402123 FRE Secret - Fürst Romancier - Davignon I
42 DE433330703123 FRE Sir Donnerhall I - Fürstenball - His Highness
43 DE433330433423 FRE Tomahawk - Florencio I - Don Romantic
44 DE433330695923 FRE Total Diamond PS - Fairbanks - Rob Roy
45 DE433330149223 FRE Total Diamond PS - San Amour I - Rohdiamant
46 DE433330780023 FRE Total Hope - Vitalis - Diamond Hit
47 DE433330412523 FRE Total Hope - Fidertanz - De Niro
48 DE433330579823 FRE Total McLaren - Rascalino - Dream of Glory
50 DE433330491323 FRE Toto Jr - Fürstenball - San Amour I
51 DE433330389523 FRE Va' Pensiero - Don Romantic - Duntroon
53 DE433330362723 FRE Va Bene - Fidertanz - Rotspon
54 DE433330768723 FRE Vaderland - Mykonos - Sandro Hit
56 DE433330777723 FRE Vitalis - Foundation - Apache
57 DE433330776823 FRE Vitalis - Apache - Fürst Romancier
59 DE433330106423 FRE Vitalis - Finest - Licotus
60 DE433330726023 FRE Viva Vitalis - Finest Selection - Sir Donnerhall I
62 DE433330349923 FRE Baron (DK) - Foundation - Ramoneur
63 DE433330340923 FRE Bellido - Sarkozy - Royal Dance
64 DE433330578723 FRE Be my Dancer - Uphill - Scandic
65 DE433330686623 FRE Bon Courage - Zatchmo - Rubinstein I
66 DE433330058723 FRE Bonds - Fahrenheit - Don Daxau
67 DE433330636923 FRE Bonds - Dante's Junior - Fürstenball
68 DE433330430923 FRE Bonds - San Amour I - Don Schufro
74 DE433330622723 FRE Feivel - Sir Donnerhall I - Don Romantic
75 DE433330471723 FRE Feliciano - Dante's Junior - San Amour I
76 DE433330424923 FRE Fidertanz - Hoftanz - Quattro B
78 DE433330703023 FRE Fynch Hatton - Sandro Hit - Frisbee
79 DE433330587223 FRE Glamourdale - Fürstenball - De Niro
81 DE433330513523 FRE Imposantos - Finest - Floriscount
82 DE433330394623 FRE Infantino - Vitalis - Bordeaux
83 DE433330636023 FRE Iowa Gold - Foundation - Bordeaux
84 DE433330080023 FRE Iron - Bretton Woods - Sandro Hit
85 DE433330778823 FRE Kjento - Fürst Romancier - Don Schufro
88 DE433330490823 FRE Morricone I - Diamond Hit - Sir Donnerhall I
89 DE433330486023 FRE Morricone I - De Niro - Florencio I
93 DE433330174423 FRE Totillah - De Niro - Sir Donnerhall I
95 DE433330740023 FRE Vivaldon - Florencio I - Santander H
100 DE433330061823 FRE Dynamic Dream - Fürstenball - His Highness
101 DE433330826523 FRE Franziskus - De Niro - Rubinstein I
102 DE433330405323 FRE Secret - Federico Fellini - Dramatic
104 DE433330738623 FRE Iron - Zack - Freiherr
105 DE433330398823 FRE Elastic - Bordeaux - Sandro Hit
106 DE433330448823 FRE Secret - Fürstenball - Brentano II
301 DE418180643123 FRE Aganix du Seigneur Z - Clinton I - Cristallo I
302 DE418180621523 FRE Apardi - Cardento - Contendro I
303 DE418180404423 FRE Balou Star - Hickstead White - Cassini II
306 DE418180264823 FRE Checkter - Hickstead White - Landor S
309 DE418180433223 FRE Dallas VDL - Clinton II - Balou du Rouet
311 DE418180385923 FRE A la Carte NRW - Coupe de Coeur - Grannus
312 DE418180623323 FRE Carthago - Clinton - Argentinus
313 DE418180623423 FRE Carthago - Clinton - Argentinus
314 DE418180211923 FRE Cashmere - Toulon - For Pleasure
315 DE418180162123 FRE Cellado - Lycos - Lichtenau
317 DE418180428223 FRE Charthago Blue - Checkland - Rodney
321 DE418180424423 FRE Diablue PS - Viscount - Great Pleasure
323 DE418180494423 FRE Esmeraldo - Catoki - Dinard L
324 DE418182002323 FRE Grey Butt - Sternkönig - Cascadeur
325 DE418180414923 FRE Van Gogh - Check In - Contendro I
327 DE418180401223 FRE Casallco - Grandeur - Zymbal I
10. Juni Fohlenchampionat Bad Bramstedt / Foal championship Bad Bramstedt
01 DE433330790123 FRE Bonds - Donnerschwee - Figaro
04 DE433330111323 FRE Feinrich - Johnson - Sandro Hit
05 DE433330111423 FRE For Real - San Amour I - Caprimond/T.
06 DE433330386823 FRE Fürstenball - Secret - Metall
07 DE433330324023 FRE Glamourdale - Samba Hit I - Donnerhall
13 DE433330679223 FRE Sir Donnerhall I - Don Olymbrio L - Don Romantic
14 DE433330413823 FRE So Perfect - San Amour I - Quattro B
15 DE433330557523 FRE St. Emilion - Bonds - Donnerschwee
16 DE433330812223 FRE Va' Pensiero - Fürst Nymphenburg II - Dream On
17 DE433330560623 FRE Damaschino I - Touch Me - Romanov Blue Hors
19 DE433330790023 FRE Escaneno - Bonds - Donnerschwee
20 DE433330696123 FRE Floricello - Krack C - Aljano
21 DE433330816223 FRE For Kingdom - Don Romantic - Fidertanz
22 DE433330551123 FRE Forte per me - Sandro Hit - Brentano II
23 DE433330706423 FRE Fürst Toto - De Beau - Sir Donnerhall I
24 DE433330675023 FRE Fusionist - Fürst Romancier - Lauries Crusador xx
25 DE433330745523 FRE Iron - Feinrich - Johnson
26 DE433330729823 FRE Sir Donnerhall I - Romanov Blue Hors - Donnerhall
27 DE433330322023 FRE Skyline to B - Rheinklang/T. - Tambour/T.
29 DE433330806123 FRE Viva Vitalis - Farrell - Zöllner xx
30 DE433330712823 FRE Total Hope - Fürstenball - Daddy Cool
31 DE433330533623 FRE For Real - Rubin-Royal - Carolus
301 DE418180375723 FRE Conthalou - Namelus R - Concorde
302 DE418180000423 FRE Duplexx - Numero Uno - Achill-Libero H
303 DE418180284023 FRE Highway M TN - Goldfever I - Grosso Z
304 DE418180614123 FRE Codex One - Cracker Jack - Caretino
306 DE418180375623 FRE Diaron - Connor - Casall
307 DE 418180640123 FRE Vigado - Diarado - Diamant De Semilly
308 DE418180642223 FRE Zinedream - Quality - Quinar
17. Juni 9. Oldenburger Special Edition
01 Empire DE433330004820 Escamillo - De Niro - Andiamo
02 Monkey Fortyseven DE433330874816 Morricone I - Foundation - De Niro
03 Vienna DE433330591518 Vivaldi - Stedinger - Wesley
04 Zenturio DE433330146719 Zenon - Don Larino - Wolkentanz
Neuer Ordner
05 Unlimited Star DE418180218019 Untouchable - Argentinus - Zeus
06 Canvara DE418181011118 Canvaro - Colman - Cornet's Stern
07 Babalou DE418184032719 Balou du Rouet - Vivant van DEHeffinck - Kahyasi xx
08 Fresco DE433330203620 Fidertanz - Destano - Hohenstein:T.
09 Da Capo DE433330276919 Da Costa - Roadster - Sandro Hit
10 Illuminati DE433332069218 Asgard's Ibiza - Fürstenball - San Amour I
11 Zypria DE418180429819 Zinedine - Landor S - Pilot
12 Southern Comforth DE418180109715 Sandokan LGST - Lasino - Athlet Z
14 Egmont DE433330685719 Escolar - Franziskus - De Niro
16 D'Accord DE433332321718 D'Egalite - Easy Game:T.
17 Fu Fu DE433330364919 For Romance I - Romanov Blue Hors - Sandro Hit
18 Chico Royal DE418180454818 Casino GranDE- Cellestial - Prinz Oldenburg
19 Skywalker DE418181028019 San Giovanni - Com Air - Acobat II
21 Florentina DE433330696117 Fürsten-Look - Rubin Cortes - Ex Libris
22 Mionetto DE433330551618 Marc Cain - Quaterback - Freedom
23 Finalist DE433330003718 Finest Selection - De Niro - Andiamo
24 Rock'n Roll DE433330256819 Rock for Me - Sandro Hit - Cordial Medoc
30 Flaneur DE433330756623 Fynch Hatton - Negro - Windspiel As
31 Franko Nero DE433330415023 Frankie Lee - Quaterback - Dr.
32 Escada DE433330499823 Escanto PS - Follow Him's SchönweiDE- Desperados
33 Daytona DE433330016823 Dynamic Dream - De Niro - Sevillano xx
34 Comme Special Blue DE418180526323 Comme il Faut - Special DEMuze - Chacco-Blue
35 Tango Tango DE418180330423 Tangelo v.d.Zuuthoeve - Cornet Obolensky - Contender
36 Feine Lina LH DE418180634023 Untouchable - Clinton - Sable Rose
37 Chacolou DE418180634323 Chacoon Blue - Balou du Rouet - Larimar
38 Zoey DE433330089923 Zackerey - Quando-Quando - Hochadel
39 Flic Flac DE433330047323 Fynch Hatton - Diamond Hit - Fidertanz
40 Dreamabellarina MR DE433330816923 Dynamic Dream - Bretton Woods - De Niro
41 Felicia DE433330655823 Feliciano - For Romance I - Rohdiamant
42 Depeche MoDEDE418180394323 Diablue PS - Chacco-Blue - Cordalme
43 Crème DEla Crème DE418180394223 Comme il faut - Diamant DESemilly - C-Indoctro
44 Eye of the Tiger DE418180152923 Etoulon - Indorado - Ramiro
45 Chief Pepper B DE418180417823 Conthargos - Plot Blue - Comme if faut
46 Serena DE433330720223 Sir Donnerhall I - Florenz - Quaterback
47 Elegance DE433330444423 Escanto PS - Don Schufro - Sandro Hit
48 Duvalier DE433330363223 Dynamic Dream - Fürst Romancier - L'Espoir
49 San Serai DE433330447623 San Amour I - Tomahawk - Fidertanz
50 Django con Auhörn DE418180635523 Dollar du Rouet - Casall - Capitol
51 Cup Cake DE418180213923 Conthargos - Chacco-Blue - Calero
52 Elisabeth DE418180419123 Emerald van het Ruytershof - Clinton - Cassini I
53 Chacorocco DE418180175223 Chacoon Blue - Zirocco Blue - Grannus
54 Vitalou DE433330375423 Vitalis - Feedback - Fidermark
55 Osbourne DE433330281423 Obsession Taonga - De Niro - Le Rouge:T.
56 Dream Royal DE433330741023 Dynamic Dream - Rubin-Royal - De Niro
57 Be Good DE433330322323 Be my Dancer - Dancier - Rob Roy
58 Origami DE418180372623 Ogano Sitte - Bentley van DEHeffinck - Landos
59 Contaldo DE418180373723 Chacoon Blue - Toulon - Argentinus
60 Vegas DE418180500723 Vingino - Balou Star - Silvio I
61 Commerce DE418180419023 Comme il Faut - Christian - Acord II
62 Orlando DE433330189423 Opoque - Fidertanz - Londonderry
63 Beautiful Sky DE433330809823 Skyline to B - Diamond Hit - Lauries Crusador xx
64 Evita DE433330253923 Escanto PS - Dolany - Linaro
66 For Senjor DE418180635923 Forlee - Casall - Contender
67 Catapult DE418180635623 Catoki Junior - Conthargos - Diarado
68 Converse DE418180629923 Coeur Rouge - Tangelo v.d. Zuuthoeve - Cornet Obolensky
69 Con Don DE418180037223 Chaccothage Blue - Caspar - Zandor
70 Extra Gut DE433330660023 Extra Gold - Fidertanz - Sion
71 St. Tropez DE433330568923 St.Emilion - Follow Me - Diamond Hit
72 Fortuna DE433330247723 Follow Him's SchönweiDE- Florencio I - Depardieu
73 My Pleasure DE433332223323 Majestic Taonga - Fürst Romancier - Sungold
74 Belafonte DE433330635123 Bonds - Diamond Hit - Florencio I
75 For Diro F DE433330431223 For Romance I - De Niro - Archipel
76 Comet DE418180634423 Comme il faut - Stakkato - Cento
77 Castle Queen DE418180418723 Chacoon Blue - Cascadello I Heraldik xx
78 Zeppelin DE418180465023 Ziroccocorte - Twilight - Stakkato
79 Carlson V DE418180492423 Colman - Armitage - Levantos I
80 Descano JS DE433330795423 Despacito - Vitalis - Floriscount
81 Eastwood MR DE433330764123 Escanto PS - Quaterback - Dauphin
82 Optima DE433330695823 Opoque - Maracana - De Niro
83 Florine DE433330283823 Florida TN - Rosario - Smetana
84 Viva Farwick DE433330728323 Viva Gold - Governor - Sandro Hit
85 Vangelis DE433330655723 Va Bene - Negro - San Amour I
86 Kristall DE433330550423 Kjento - Don Deluxe - Bonifatius
87 Sweet Dream DE433330815323 Secret - Scuderia - Fidertanz
88 Enrico DE433330818623 Endorphin - Con Capitol - Waldstar xx
89 Tosca DE433330001923 Toto Jr. - Sandro Hit - Rohdiamant
90 Billionair DE418180612523 Bingo Boy - Grey Top - Stakkato
91 Coronel DE418180426023 Conthargos - Balou du Rouet - Contendro I
92 Zita Blue DE418180364123 Zirocco Blue - Cento - Contender
93 Calanda DE418180424923 Chaplin - Van Gogh - Cordalme
94 Santino St. DE433330390123 Segantini - Likoto xx - Weltmeyer
95 Bogner DE433330805123 Bohemian - Floriscount - Waterford
96 Floris Hit SK DE433330392423 Floriscount - Diamond Hit - Weltmeyer
97 Fancy Me DE433330434523 Fynch Hatton - Millennium:T.
6. Juni Fohlenregistrierung Walsrode / Foal registration Walsrode
22. Mai Stutenleistungsprüfung OS Vechta / Mare performance test OS Vechta
01 DE418180460819 SLP_OS Clarimo - Cardino - Corofino
02 DE418180281319 SLP_OS Come to Alice - Cöster - Golden Grannus
05 DE418180262019 SLP_OS Chaccato - Argentinus - Grannus
07 DE418180401819 SLP_OS Caroly - Linton - Landcapitol
09 DE418180106420 SLP_OS Conthargos - Crawford - Esteban xx
11 DE418180106020 SLP_OS Chacoon Blue - Vivant van de Heffinck - Diarado
12 DE418180200720 SLP_OS Toulon - Concetto - Castro
13 DE418180293920 SLP_OS Carrera VDL - Great Pleasure - Liostro
14 DE418180283220 SLP_OS Christian - Chacco-Blue - Lord Pezi
15 DE418180417020 SLP_OS Contendro II - Acomet - Nariston
16 DE418180232220 SLP_OS Bentley van de Heffinck - Shine On - Calvador
17 DE418180491020 SLP_OS Cornet Obolensky - Toulon - Cassini I
18 DE418180556920 SLP_OS Checkter - Silvio I - Espri
19 DE418180149820 SLP_OS Christian - Landor S - Argentinus
21 DE418180445420 SLP_OS Flic en Flac AA - Almoretto - Cartusch
23 DE418180312118 SLP_OS Ogano - Landjonker (Fruhling) - Contango
24 DE418180107218 SLP_OS Elliot van ter Hulst - Quick Star - Cordalme
25 DE418180454619 SLP_OS Diacontinus - Balou du Rouet - Zeus
26 DE418181017819 SLP_OS Checkter - Toulon - Lancado
27 DE418180197819 SLP_OS Apardi - Contendro I - Lancer III
30 DE418180388419 SLP_OS Conthargos - Action Breaker - Zeus
32 DE418180199119 SLP_OS Nartago - Ludwigs As - Corlando
33 DE418180221619 SLP_OS Verdi - Argentinus - Salient xx
34 DE418180395120 SLP_OS Casino Berlin - Catoki - Landor S
35 DE418180118120 SLP_OS Nartago - Cornet Obolensky - Dinard L
36 DE418180501420 SLP_OS Ogano - Catoki - Landor S
37 DE418180118220 SLP_OS Ogano Sitte - Colestus - Dinard L
38 DE418180331620 SLP_OS Charthago Blue - Espri - Cordalme
39 DE418180103220 SLP_OS Can Tici - Contendro I - Last Liberty
41 DE418180103020 SLP_OS Innovation - Check In - Contender
43 DE418180281219 SLP_OS Canoso - Golden Grannus - Lucky Boy xx
10. Mai Fohlenregistrierung Vechta / Foal registration Vechta
13. Mai 29. Online Elite-Fohlenauktion
1 Duc Noir DE433330668123 FoE Dynamic Dream - Destano
2 Viva Christ DE433330797923 FoE Viva Gold - Christ
3 Kir Royal DE433330373623 FoE Kjento - Vivaldi
4 Elli Spumante DE418180247723 FoE Elvis ter Putte - Lord Pezi
5 Chaberton DE418180432523 FoE Conthargos - Chacco-Blue
6 Disney DE418180630123 FoE Diamant de Semilly - Cento
7 Flirt DE433330705923 FoE Florida TN - Grey Flanell
8 Darcy JS DE433330787123 FoE Escolar - Damon
9 Eclair DE433330743623 FoE Escanto PS - Totilas
10 Filoquenta DE433330405323 FoE Secret - Federico Fellini
11 I'm Amy Blue DE418180374023 FoE I'm Special de Muze - Balou du Rouet
12 Conthasall DE418180153023 FoE Conthalou - Casallco
13 Qunfei DE418180392723 FoE Contagio - Quidam's Rubin
14 On Fire DE418180625023 FoE Okawango - Asca
15 Turmalin DE433330715323 FoE Total Hope - For Dance
16 Fidelio DE433330749723 FoE Fynch Hatton - De Niro
17 Vingino DE433330606223 FoE Vivaldos - Fürst Romancier
18 Camille-Louise DE418180630023 FoE Comme il faut - Diamant de Semilly
19 Que Pasa DE418180395523 FoE Querlybet Hero - Twilight
20 Contenance DE418180423023 FoE Contendro I - Kannan
21 Florentina DE433330016223 FoE Fynch Hatton - Quantensprung
22 Ebony DE433330396323 FoE Escanto PS - Vivaldi
31.März - 1. April 99. Elite-Auktion - 12. Sattelkörung / 99th Elite Auction - 12th Saddle Licensing
99. Elite-Auktion / 99th Elite Auction
02 Sangaree DE433330918919 FE-Rpf San Amour I - Fürst Romancier - Wild Dancer
03 Valentino DE433330111318 FE-Rpf Vitalis - Don Frederico - Londonderry
04 *Fortnite DE433330037216 FE-Rpf For Romance I - Don Schufro - Sandro Hit
05 Checkpoint Plus DE418180351418 FE-Rpf Checkter - Balou du Rouet - Raphael
06 Cardinale DE418180333717 FE-Rpf Conthargos - Diarado - Cento
07 Cornetto DE418180139818 FE-Rpf Cornet Obolensky - Cassini II - Candillo
08 Carlotta DE418189088217 FE-Rpf Coupe Gold - Quality - Longford
09 Galicia DE418180338718 FE-Rpf Humberto Ask - Cornettino Ask - Contender
10 Bright Hope DE433330172919 FE-Rpf Benicio - Christ - Lafitte
12 Ernesto DE433330259019 FE-Rpf Erdinger - Stedinger - Welt Hit II
14 Sally Gold DE418180767717 FE-Rpf Stakkato Gold - Raphael - Carprilli
15 Deejay DE418180145119 FE-Rpf Diamant de Quidam - Collado - Argentinus
17 Coco Rocha DE418180245619 FE-Rpf Conthargos - Landgold - Grundstein
18 Saint Laurent DE433330680919 FE-Rpf St. Schufro - Follow Me – Depardieu
19 Donna Leon DE433330758719 FE-Rpf Don Martillo - Belissimo M - Sir Donnerhall I
21 Double Dip DE433330259219 FE-Rpf Double Hit - Statesman - Argentinus
22 *Diamantde III DE418180102417 FE-Rpf Diarado - Argentinus - Zeus
23 Zantano DE418180510619 FE-Rpf Zirocco Blue - Quidam's Rubin – Achill-Libero H
24 Frisbee DE418180301118 FE-Rpf Fire and Ice J - Artwig - Freiherr
26 San Marino DE433330737119 FE-Rpf Sandro Hit - Foundation - Danone I
27 Mistral DE433330905119 FE-Rpf Mykonos - Fürst Romancier - Sir Donnerhall I
28 Fun Factory DE433330087019 FE-Rpf Foundation - Lovis Corinth - Silvio I
29 Zacharias DE433332145920 FE-Rpf Zackerey - Florencio I - Akzent II
30 Dalarna DE418180056617 FE-Rpf Diamant de Landor - Quality - Landor S
31 Ulando DE418180259918 FE-Rpf Unlimited - Landor S - Contender
33 Chadwick DE418181030618 FE-Rpf Canoso - Carlucci - Quidam's Rubin
35 Barclay DE433330875719 FE-Rpf Baron - Romanov Blue Hors - Lauries Crusador xx
36 Firestone DE433330263219 FE-Rpf For Romance II - San Amour I - Caprimond
37 Seattle DE433330708818 FE-Rpf Secret - Don Frederic - Sir Donnerhall I
12. Sattelkörung / 12th saddle licensing
40 Dexter DE433330056920 HM Desperados - Rubin-Royal - Lord Sinclair
41 Don Diego DE431310211020 HM Don Schufro - Friedensfürst/T. - Absatz
42 Farinelli DE431431502320 HM Falihandro - Lord Loxley - Champus
44 Lord Extra DE433330051920 HM Lord Europe - Donnerschwee - Royal Diamond
45 Sergio DE431312306620 HM Sezuan - Ampère - Don Frederico
46 Solero DE431310788020 HM Sezuan - Donnerhall - Weltmeyer
47 Severino DE433335009620 HM Sezuan's Donnerhall - Fürstenball - Totilas
48 Solo Dancer DE431316937720 HM So Unique - Dante Weltino - Fürst Romancier
49 Vanderbilt DE433330852020 HM Vitalis - Desperado - Sandro Hit
50 Vivaro DE433330827920 HM Vivino - Rotspon - Don Primero
51 Zackyro DE433330889019 HM Zackerey - Sunny-Boy - Rohdiamant
14. Februar Hengstvorauswahl 12. Sattelkörung
12. - 14. Januar Oldenburger Hengst-Tage
OS-Hengste / OS-Stallions
01 DE418180112920 HM Armison - Cornet's Prinz - Argentinus
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Freispringen / Free jumping
Hengstvorauswahl / stallion pre-selection
02 DE418180148020 HM Baggio - Stakkato Gold - Contender
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Freispringen / Free jumping
03 BEL015Z55003620 HM Balou Star - Casiro I - Veloce de Favi AA
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Freispringen / Free jumping
Hengstvorauswahl / stallion pre-selection
04 DE418180204520 HM Balou Star - Clinton - Cassini I
Hengstvorauswahl / stallion pre-selection
05 DE418180493220 HM By Cera D'ick - Clinton I - Acord II
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Freispringen / Free jumping
Hengstvorauswahl / stallion pre-selection
06 DE421000324620 HM Cardente - Catoki - Lavall I
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Freispringen / Free jumping
Hengstvorauswahl / stallion pre-selection
07 DE418180523120 HM Chacco-Blue - Fortinbras - Landadel
Prämierung / Award ceremony
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Freispringen / Free jumping
Hengstvorauswahl / stallion pre-selection
08 NLD003202002659 HM Chacco-Blue - Tornesch - Calato
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Hengstvorauswahl / stallion pre-selection
Freispringen / Free jumping
09 DE473730497920 HM Chacco-Blue - Carthago - Quick Star
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Freispringen / Free jumping
Hengstvorauswahl / stallion pre-selection
10 DE418180536720 HM Chacco-Blue - Echo van't Spieveld - Carthago
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Freispringen / Free jumping
Hengstvorauswahl / stallion pre-selection
11 DE431316965720 HM Cicero Z - Lord Pezi - Fly High
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Hengstvorauswahl / stallion pre-selection
Freispringen / Free jumping
12 DE421000017720 HM Cieran - Con Air - Cassini I
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Freispringen / Free jumping
Hengstvorauswahl / stallion pre-selection
13 DE418181101620 HM Comme Prévu - Convoi - Prinz Pilot
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Hengstvorauswahl / stallion pre-selection
Freispringen / Free jumping
14 DE431316955420 HM Conthargos - Stakkato - Werther
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Freispringen / Free jumping
Hengstvorauswahl / stallion pre-selection
15 DE418180216120 HM Conthargos - Chacco-Blue - Don Juan
Hengstvorauswahl / stallion pre-selection
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Freispringen / Free jumping
16 DE441410255120 HM Conthargos - Baloubet du Rouet - Weinberg
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Hengstvorauswahl / stallion pre-selection
Freispringen / Free jumping
17 DE421000167520 HM Cornet's Quaprice - Nabab de Reve - Tinka's Boy
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Freispringen / Free jumping
Hengstvorauswahl / stallion pre-selection
18 DE431310956820 HM Dia Corrado - Lord Pezi - Caletto I
Prämierung / Award ceremony
Hengstvorauswahl / stallion pre-selection
Freispringen / Free jumping
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
19 DE418180398820 HM Dourkhan Hero Z - Echo van't Spieveld - Kashmir van het Schuttershof
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Freispringen / Free jumping
Hengstvorauswahl / stallion pre-selection
20 DE418180114020 HM For Treasure VDL - Toulon - Contendro I
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Freispringen / Free jumping
Hengstvorauswahl / stallion pre-selection
21 DE418180114320 HM Glasgow van't Merelsnest - Castino - Calido
Prämierung / Award ceremony
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Freispringen / Free jumping
Hengstvorauswahl / stallion pre-selection
22 NLD003202007657 HM Golddigger - Padinus - Amethist
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Hengstvorauswahl / stallion pre-selection
Freispringen / Free jumping
23 DE418180428820 HM Halifax van het Kluizebos - C-Indoctro - Emilion
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Freispringen / Free jumping
Hengstvorauswahl / stallion pre-selection
24 DE421000510820 HM Jaloubet K VDL - Cassini I - Los Alamos
Freispringen / free jumping
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Hengstvorauswahl / stallion pre-selection
25 DE418180096920 HM Lord Pezi - Ustinov - Contender
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Hengstvorauswahl / stallion pre-selection
Freispringen / Free jumping
26 DE418180249220 HM Ogano - Cornet's Prinz - Armitage
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Freispringen / Free jumping
Hengstvorauswahl / stallion pre-selection
27 DE421000018220 HM Quidam de Revel - Calido - Acobat II
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Hengstvorauswahl / stallion pre-selection
Freispringen / Free jumping
28 DE418189759420 HM Solid Gold - Cornet Obolensky - Quick Star
Prämierung / Award ceremony
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Freispringen / Free jumping
Hengstvorauswahl / stallion pre-selection
29 DE418180111620 HM Soundcheck - Lordanos - Landor S
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Hengstvorauswahl / stallion pre-selection
Freispringen / Free jumping
30 DE418181089120 HM Stakkato - Kannan - Prinz Oldenburg
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Hengstvorauswahl / stallion pre-selection
Freispringen / Free jumping
31 DE418180171620 HM Tobago Z - Converter - Argentinus
Prämierung / Award ceremony
Hengstvorauswahl / stallion pre-selection
Freispringen / Free jumping
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
32 DE421000042320 HM Unlimited - Corrado I - Leandro
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Hengstvorauswahl / stallion pre-selection
33 NLD003202000035 HM Zirocco Blue - Indorado - Stakkato
Hengstvorauswahl / stallion pre-selection
Freispringen / Free jumping
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
OL-Hengste / OL-Stallions
35 DE431316414820 HM Birmingham - Glückspilz - Graphit
Freilaufen / Free presentation
Longieren / lunging
Dreiecksbahn / presentation on the triangle
Hengstvorauswahl / stallion pre-selection
36 DE433330236320 HM Bon Courage - Sezuan - Dimaggio
Longieren / lunging
Freilaufen / Free presentation
Prämierung / Award ceremony
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Hengstvorauswahl / stallion pre-selection
37 DE433330527420 HM Bon Vivaldi - Fürst Romancier - Rubin-Royal
Longieren / lunging
Freilaufen / Free presentation
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Hengstvorauswahl / Stallion pre-selection
38 DE433332606620 HM Bonds - Bretton Woods - Gribaldi
Longieren / lunging
Freilaufen / Free presentation
Prämierung / Award ceremony
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Hengstvorauswahl / Stallion pre-selection
39 DE433330680320 HM Bonds - San Amour I - Dream of Love
Hengstvorauswahl / Stallion pre-selection
40 DE433330882720 HM Bonds - Desperados - Brentano II
Longieren / lunging
Freilaufen / Free presentation
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Hengstvorauswahl / Stallion pre-selection
41 DE433332074520 HM De Niro Gold - Fürst Wilhelm - Rohdiamant
Longieren / lunging
Freilaufen / Free presentation
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Hengstvorauswahl / Stallion pre-selection
42 DE433330099920 HM Dodo Weihgand - Desperados - Sandro Hit
Longieren / lunging
Freilaufen / Free presentation
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Hengstvorauswahl / Stallion pre-selection
43 DE433330743620 HM Floriscount - Quaterback - Sandro Hit
Longieren / lunging
Freilaufen / Free presentation
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Hengstvorauswahl / Stallion pre-selection
44 DE433330167920 HM Follow Him's Schönweide - Florencio I - Depardieu
Longieren / lunging
Freilaufen / Free presentation
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Hengstvorauswahl / Stallion pre-selection
45 DE433330462520 HM Fontaine TN - Irdenkreis/T. - Ragazzo
Longieren / lunging
Freilaufen / Free presentation
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Hengstvorauswahl / Stallion pre-selection
46 NLD003202006886 HM Fontaine TN - Negro - Fürst Romancier
Longieren / lunging
Freilaufen / Free presentation
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Hengstvorauswahl / Stallion pre-selection
47 NLD003202007180 HM For Romance I - Charmeur - Goodtimes
Longieren / lunging
Freilaufen / Free presentation
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Hengstvorauswahl / Stallion pre-selection
48 DE433330155220 HM For Romance I - Quaterback - Samba Hit I
Longieren / lunging
Freilaufen / Free presentation
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Hengstvorauswahl / Stallion pre-selection
49 DE433330019420 HM For Romance I - Don Olymbrio L - Relevant
Longieren / lunging
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Hengstvorauswahl / Stallion pre-selection
50 NLD003202005049 HM Fürst Dior - Johnson - Totilas
Longieren / lunging
Freilaufen / Free presentation
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Hengstvorauswahl / Stallion pre-selection
51 DE473730478520 HM Fürst Magic - De Niro - Coriander
Longieren / lunging
Freilaufen / Free presentation
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Hengstvorauswahl / Stallion pre-selection
52 DE431316977120 HM Fürst Samarant - Dante Weltino - Floriscount
Longieren / lunging
Freilaufen / Free presentation
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Hengstvorauswahl / Stallion pre-selection
53 DE433330141420 HM Fürst Toto - Zonik - Sandro Hit
Longieren / lunging
Freilaufen / Free presentation
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Hengstvorauswahl / Stallion pre-selection
54 DE433330666020 HM Glamourdale - Sir Donnerhall I - Bonifatius
Longieren / lunging
Freilaufen / Free presentation
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Hengstvorauswahl / Stallion pre-selection
55 NLD003202005643 HM Glamourdale - Johnson - Rohdiamant
Longieren / lunging
Freilaufen / Free presentation
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Hengstvorauswahl / Stallion pre-selection
56 DE433330869820 HM Global Player - Fantastic - Royal Blend
Longieren / lunging
Freilaufen / Free presentation
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Hengstvorauswahl / Stallion pre-selection
57 DE433330091720 HM Global Player - Fürstenball - Sandro Hit
Longieren / lunging
Freilaufen / Free presentation
Prämierung / Award ceremony
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Hengstvorauswahl / Stallion pre-selection
58 NLD003202002280 HM Indian Rock - Ampère - Jazz
Longieren / lunging
Freilaufen / Free presentation
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Hengstvorauswahl / Stallion pre-selection
59 DE433330122520 HM Kingston JZ - Zack - Don Schufro
Longieren / lunging
Freilaufen / Free presentation
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Hengstvorauswahl / Stallion pre-selection
60 NLD003202001092 HM Le Formidable - Johnson - Future I
Longieren / lunging
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Hengstvorauswahl / Stallion pre-selection
61 DE433330855620 HM Le Formidable - Sir Donnerhall I - Don Schufro
Longieren / lunging
Freilaufen / Free presentation
Prämierung / Award ceremony
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Hengstvorauswahl / Stallion pre-selection
62 DE433330874420 HM Le Formidable - De Niro - Figaro
Longieren / lunging
Freilaufen / Free presentation
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Hengstvorauswahl / Stallion pre-selection
63 DE433330225020 HM Maracaná - Diamond Hit - Royal Hit
Longieren / lunging
Freilaufen / Free presentation
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Hengstvorauswahl / Stallion pre-selection
64 DE433330197720 HM San Amour I - Fürst Heinrich - Sevillano xx
Longieren / lunging
Freilaufen / Free presentation
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Hengstvorauswahl / Stallion pre-selection
65 DE433330528120 HM Secret - Feedback - De Niro
Longieren / lunging
Freilaufen / Free presentation
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Hengstvorauswahl / Stallion pre-selection
66 NLD003202000921 HM So Unique - Charmeur - Partout/T.
Longieren / lunging
Freilaufen / Free presentation
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Hengstvorauswahl / Stallion pre-selection
67 DE433330684720 HM Top Gear - Florencio I - Furioso's Sohn
Longieren / lunging
Hengstvorauswahl / Stallion pre-selection
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
68 DE433330326520 HM Totilas - Sir Donnerhall I - Don Schufro
Longieren / lunging
Freilaufen / Free presentation
Prämierung / Award ceremony
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Hengstvorauswahl / Stallion pre-selection
69 DE433330862320 HM Toto Jr. - Danciano - Donnerhall
Longieren / lunging
Freilaufen / Free presentation
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Hengstvorauswahl / Stallion pre-selection
70 NLD003202002907 HM Toto Jr. - Negro - Mataro/T.
Longieren / lunging
Freilaufen / Free presentation
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Hengstvorauswahl / Stallion pre-selection
71 NLD003202008905 HM Toto Jr. - Grey Flanell - Foundation
Longieren / lunging
Freilaufen / Free presentation
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Hengstvorauswahl / Stallion pre-selection
72 DE441410621720 HM V-Plus - Sarkozy - De Niro
Hengstvorauswahl / Stallion pre-selection
73 DE433330059120 HM Vitalis - Desperados - Fürst Heinrich
Longieren / lunging
Freilaufen / Free presentation
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Hengstvorauswahl / Stallion pre-selection
74 DE441411012420 HM Vitalis - Escolar - Donnerball
Hengstvorauswahl / Stallion pre-selection
75 DE433330088120 HM Viva Gold - Fidertanz - Stedinger
Longieren / lunging
Freilaufen / Free presentation
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Hengstvorauswahl / Stallion pre-selection
76 DE433330137120 HM Viva Gold - De Niro - Placido
Longieren / lunging
Freilaufen / Free presentation
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Hengstvorauswahl / Stallion pre-selection
77 DE433330267020 HM Viva Gold - Sir Donnerhall I - Rubinstein I
Longieren / lunging
Freilaufen / Free presentation
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Prämierung / Award ceremony
Hengstvorauswahl / Stallion pre-selection
78 DE433330454020 HM Viva Gold - De Niro - Rubinstein I
Longieren / lunging
Freilaufen / Free presentation
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Hengstvorauswahl / Stallion pre-selection
Prämierung / Award ceremony
79 DE433330913620 HM Vivino - Royal Classic - Fürst Piccolo
Longieren / lunging
Freilaufen / Free presentation
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Hengstvorauswahl / Stallion pre-selection
80 DE433330902520 HM Vivino - Rubin-Royal - Graf Remus
Longieren / lunging
Freilaufen / Free presentation
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Hengstvorauswahl / Stallion pre-selection
81 DE431310210820 HM Zackerey - Londonderry - Weltmeyer
Longieren / lunging
Freilaufen / Free presentation
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Hengstvorauswahl / Stallion pre-selection
82 DE431311414520 HM Zackorado - Lauries Crusador xx - Weltruhm
Longieren / lunging
Freilaufen / Free presentation
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Hengstvorauswahl / Stallion pre-selection
83 DE433330913520 HM Zenon - Fürstenball - Londonderry
Longieren / lunging
Freilaufen / Free presentation
Prämierung / Award ceremony
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Hengstvorauswahl / Stallion pre-selection
Hengst-Gala / Stallion Show
100 Fair Deal
101 Federer
103 Chaccothage Blue PS
104 Madness
106 For the Future
107 Armison
108 Ogano
109 Maddox Mart
110 McLaren
111 Le Formidable
113 Global Player OLD
114 For Dance
115 Fürst Fabrice OLD
116 D‘or Cremissimo K WE
117 Big Shutterfly WE
118 Nottingham WE
120 Sherlock van 't Huka
121 Zinelord VDL
122 Coquetto
123 Flic en Flac AA
124 Casino Grande
125 Chacco‘s Son II
126 Drako de Maugre
127 Chere Celine OLD
128 Charming Sezana
129 Cileste IV
130 Czardasfuerstin
131 Floriscount
132 Imposantos
133 Infantino
134 Bon Vivaldi NRW
135 Vaderland
136 Destello OLD
137 Fidelity
138 Total Hope OLD
139 Weihegold OLD
Hauptprämie / award of main premium
100 Fair Deal
101 Federer
102 Total Diamond PS
103 Chaccothage Blue PS
Events 2022
13.-15. Dezember Hengst Kurz-Veranlagungstest
01 Despo Olympus von Bellin NLD003201902920 Desperado (ex Darkboy) - Sorento
02 Don Juan Miro von Bellin DE 433330822819 Don Martillo - Sorento
03 Forever a Diamond DE 433330095819 Follow Him's Schönweide - Depardieu
04 Follow Up DE 441410700319 Follow Him's Schönweide - Diamond Hit
05 Feivel DE 433330155419 Foundation - Bretton Woods
07 My Friend DE 473730524219 Maracaná - Biasini
09 My Milano DE 431310078118 Millennium/T. - De Niro
10 Sebastino DE 433335078518 Secret - Vivaldi
11 Fabletic DE 433330171618 Frascino - Lauries Crusador xx
20 Alf Semilly DE 418180460719 Andiamo Semilly - Lordanos
21 Booster SR DE 418182694919 Baloubet du Rouet - Coronado
22 Champ Cruising DE 427270156219 Canturano - Cruising
23 Catapult DE 418180076519 Cartogran - Controller
24 Cabalu DE 418180372719 Colman - Zento (NLD)
25 Compass Z FRA00119396118M Cornet Obolensky (Windows v.h.Costersv.) - Guidam (ex Adagio IV)
26 Don de Amor DE 421000612519 Don Diarado - Casall
27 Oxer VDL NLD003201901884 Etoulon - Zirocco Blue
28 Highscore DE 418180204319 Hickstead White - Check In
29 Linebacker DE 418180301419 Lord Pezi - Diarado
30 London Pezi N DE 418180080219 Lord Pezi - Ustinov
31 Sir Legend DE 427270127319 Sergeant Pepper - Land-Boy
32 Zircon Blue DE 421000516419 Zirocco Blue - Corrado I
33 Heat DE 421000182519 Halifax van het Kluizebos - Connor
34 Anchorman DE 418180399718 Andiamo Semilly - Corsari van de Helle
35 Chacord GB DE 418184014218 Chacoon Blue - Acord II
36 Comanchero DE 418180420418 Comme Prévu - Landor S
37 Cornet i Cord DE 421000191118 Cornet Obolensky (Windows v.h.Costersv.) - Acord II
38 Tyson DE 418180414718 Toulon - Mylord Carthago
39 Toucento BEL002W00318768 Toulon - Cento
3. Dezember 8. Oldenburger Special Edition
01 *Big Bang OLD DE433330316519 WM-Rpf Benefit - Fidertanz - Rubinstein I
02 Bon Amour DE433330119519 WM-Rpf Benefit - San Amour I - Ravallo
03 Sir Sly DE433330215618 WM-Rpf Secret - Diamond Hit - Florencio 'I
05 Valorant DE433330090418 WM-Rpf Vitalis - Sandro Hit - Rubinstein I
06 Selena DE433334009319 WM-Rpf Sezuan's Donnerhall - Samarant - Lord Liberty G
07 Daft Punk DE418180105416 WM-Rpf Diarado - Cento - Limelight
08 Esmeralda DE418180386617 WM-Rpf Emerald v.h. Ruytershof - Ogano Sitte - Calvaro
09 Cool Lady DE418180149917 WM-Rpf Casiro I - Lordanos - Laurion
10 *Baloubina DE418180233417 WM-Rpf Balou du Rouet - Couleur-Rubin - Le Cou Cou
11 * Der Stern DE433330646319 WM-Rpf Devonport - Stedinger - Quantus
12 *Fenice DE433330852118 WM-Rpf Foundation - Florencio I - Dormello
13 Muchacho DE433330886519 WM-Rpf Morricone I - Di Caprio - Hitchcock
14 Franconia DE433330684218 WM-Rpf Frascino - Rubin Star N - Weltmeyer
15 Evolution DE433330534417 WM-Rpf Everdale - Silvio - Grand Galopin
16 Lexington DE433330453117 WM-Rpf Le Vivaldi - Ehrentusch - Attraktiv
17 Daredevil DE418180176518 WM-Rpf Diamant de Semilly - Concetto - Castro
18 Frieda DE433332098615 WM-Rpf Casirus - Consulting - Seratino xx
19 Casalista DE418180143517 WM-Rpf Caligula - Levisto - Don Juan
20 Zara DE418182598316 WM-Rpf Zirocco Blue - Abke - Gragenit
22 Farrington DE433330865918 WM-Rpf Fahrenheit - Carry Gold - Granulit
25 Zsa Zsa DE433332063818 WM-Rpf Zackerey - Don Rubin - Carprilli
26 Battlecry DE433330080119 WM-Rpf Baron - De Niro - Akzent II
27 Valorant DE418180385418 WM-Rpf Vagabond de la Pomme - Stakkato - Baloubet du Rouet
28 Captain's Lady DE418180398518 WM-Rpf Cäptn' Hook - Collin L - Ramiro As
29 Diesel DE418180237918 WM-Rpf Diesel GP du Bois - Graf Grannus - Marlo
30 Ipanemo DE433330710018 WM-Rpf Asgard's Ibiza - For Romance I - Lauries Crusador xx
31 Florentino DE433330048216 WM-Rpf Floriscount - Dimaggio - Fleurop
32 Floritz DE433330111717 WM-Rpf Floriscount - Detroit - Sandro Hit
33 Rubicon DE433330310319 WM-Rpf Rubin-Royal - Wordly - Matcho AA
34 Billie Jean DE433330889318 WM-Rpf Best of Gold - Sir Donnerhall I - Friedensfürst/T.
35 Glanmore DE433330894717 WM-Rpf Glamourdale - Quiztime - Landjuwel
36 Calvin Klein DE418181016620 Casithargos - Dominator Z - Catano
37 Casillas DE418180105820 Conthargos - Corlensky G - Landor S
38 Favorit DE433330866420 Fürsten-Look - Sir Donnerhall I - Wolkentanz
39 Feiner Hit DE433330451520 Feinrich - Desperados - Sandro Hit
40 Vincenso DE433330556720 Van Primero - Revan - Fleurop
41 Corpleasure DE418186235520 Cornet Obolensky - For Pleasure - Andiamo
42 Escobar DE418180178120 Emerald v.h. Ruytershof - Lord Pezi Two - Silbersee
43 Hashtag DE418181028920 Hickstead White - Untouchable - Casiro I
44 Vitalist DE433330663020 Vitalis - Finest - San Amour I
45 Forrest Hill DE433334150320 Foundation - Vivaldi - Sir Donnerhall I
46 Sir George DE433330028120 Sir Gregory - Licotus - Placido
47 Churchill DE418180331820 Chacoon Blue - Calido - Pablo
48 Captain Morgan DE418180541120 Contendro I - Cornet Obolensky - Poleggio
49 Copasetic DE418180108620 Conthargos - Leovisto - Acord II
14. - 18. November Hengstvorauswahl / stallion pre-selection
OS - Hengste / OS stallions
2 DE421000118920 HM Cascadello I - Cornet Obolensky - Landos
3 DE421000125820 HM Central Park - Acrobat II - Coronado
9 DE418180525720 HM Cornet's Quaprice - Lord Z – Polydor
10 DE431316947920 HM Cornet Obolensky - Christian – Acord II
11 DE418180557220 HM Cornet Obolensky - Kannan – Clearway
12 NLD003202002945 HM El Barone 111 Z - Tornesch – Lauriston
14 DE421000515920 HM Jaloubet K VDL - Casall – Leonce
16 DNK333DW2047710 HM Kannan - Chacco-Blue – Acord II
18 DE418181076120 HM Air King - Landcapitol – Renoir I
23 NLD003202002659 HM Chacco-Blue - Tornesch – Calato
26 DE418180550120 HM Colman - Contender – Quebec
28 DE431310837720 HM Conthargos - Chacco-Blue – Acord II
30 DE441410925420 HM Convall - Calido Gold – Ferdl
31 DE421000526720 HM Crack - Connor – Clearway
33 DE441410509720 HM Dallas VDL - For Germany RD – Brandenburger
36 NLD003202010389 HM El Barone 111 Z - Chaman – Toulon
37 DE418180535320 HM Eldorado van de Zeshoek - Zinedine – Contender
39 DE418180447320 HM Lord Pezi - Zirocco Blue – Corland
42 DE418180111820 HM Ogano - Levisonn – Landor S
44 DE418180477720 HM Stakkato's Golden - Linton – Landcapitol
46 NLD003202009149 HM Tangelo van de Zuuthoeve - Numero Uno – Levantos I
47 DE418180210420 HM Varihoka du Temple - Diarado – Cordial Medoc
49 DE418180500920 HM Baloubet du Rouet - Voltaire – Calido
51 DE418180541220 HM Bingo-Boy - Chaccato – Landor S
52 DE421000630720 HM Calido - Lancer II – Corrado I
57 DE418180565820 HM Chacoon Blue - Concetto – Stakkato
58 BEL002W00327519 HM Charthago Blue - Arko – Quidam de Revel
59 DE421000017520 HM Chopin - Untouchable – Capitol I
63 DE431310803420 HM Conthargos - Balou du Rouet – Acord II
65 DE418180528920 HM Cornet de Semilly - Cola Zero – Ramirado
66 DE431316785720 HM Cornet Obolensky - Stakkato – Lux
69 NLD003202008310 HM Diamant De Semilly - Cantos – Chin Chin
70 DE418180537420 HM Don Tryon - Cascor – Narew xx
73 DE418180114320 HM Glasgow van't Merelsnest - Castino – Calido
74 DE418180462720 HM Glasgow van't Merelsnest - Padinus – Burggraaf
75 DE418180157020 HM Hardrock Z - Cordalme – Landcapitol
76 DE418180189520 HM Hickstead White - Argentinus – Zeus
78 DE418180249220 HM Ogano - Cornet's Prinz – Armitage
79 DE418180519820 HM Quasimodo van de Molendreef - Silvio I – Zeus
86 DE421000019720 HM Casall - Untouchable – Landfriese I
88 NLD003202000378 HM Comme il faut NRW - Zacharov - Corland
90 DE418184002920 HM Conthargos - Cassini I – Con Air
94 DE418180214520 HM Fire and Ice J - Contendro I – Drosselklang II
95 DE418180090720 HM Flic en Flac AA - Zatinus – Gragenit
98 DE418187745120 HM Hardrock Z - Con Air – Balou du Rouet
99 DE421000358020 HM Kannan - Diarado - Cornet Obolensky
101 DE455550003020 HM Lyjanero - Stalypso – Lancelot Quainton
102 DE421000001220 HM Origi D'O - Favoritas xx – Nekton
105 BEL015Z55705520 HM Tobago Z - Hickstead – Numero Uno
112 DE431310819320 HM Conthargos - Balou du Rouet – Contendro I
114 DE421000620220 HM Crime is Colin - Cento – Ramiro
117 DE418180141720 HM Ogano Sitte - Canoso – Celano
OL - Hengste / OL stallions
2 DE433330094720 HM Bon Courage - Fürstenball - Samarant
3 DE433330862420 HM Bon Courage - Rohdiamant - Donnerhall
5 DE433330364120 HM Bon Vivaldi NRW - Frenchman - Golfstrom II
6 DE441411101820 HM Desperados - Florestan I - Werther
7 DE431316645920 HM Escamillo - Floriscount - Londonderry
8 DE433330128020 HM Finest - Floriscount - Rohdiamant
10 DE433330037520 HM Fynch Hatton - Totilas - Sunny-Boy
15 NLD003202005106 HM Just Wimphof - Vivaldi - Metall
17 NLD003202002336 HM Lennox U.S. - Ferro - Inspekteur
19 DE431312306620 HM Sezuan - Ampere - Don Frederico
20 DE433330756720 HM Sezuan's Donnerhall - Don Schufro - Fürst Romancier
21 DE433330231120 HM St. Schufro - Fürst Romancier - Florencio I
22 NLD003202000064 HM Toto Jr - Charmeur - Jester
23 NLD003202009703 HM Toto Jr - Vivaldi - Osmium
24 DE433330731920 HM Valverde - Fürst Wilhelm - Sir Donnerhall I
27 DE433330418320 HM Bonds - Don Daxau - Figaro
33 DE433330655420 HM For Romance I - Dolany - Lorentin I
36 NLD003202006747 HM Governor - Dayano - Flemmingh
38 DE433330048320 HM Asgard's Ibiza - De Niro - Romancier
40 NLD003202004233 HM King Karim - Royal Hit - Corradino
41 DE433330848020 HM Le Formidable - De Niro - Le Rouge/T
42 DE433330694920 HM Le Formidable - Apache - Rubino Rosso
45 DE433330672520 HM Maracaná - Quateron - Recaro
48 DE433330663020 HM Vitalis - Finest - San Amour I
49 DE433330825820 HM Vitalis - Fiderbach - De Niro
54 DE433330056920 HM Desperados - Rubin-Royal - Lord Sinclair I
55 DE433330004820 HM Escamillo - De Niro - Andiamo
56 DE433330451520 HM Feinrich - Desperados- Sandro Hit
59 DE433334150320 HM Foundation - Vivaldi - Sir Donnerhall I
60 DE433330322920 HM Franziskus - Ampere - Spielberg
62 DE433330718720 HM Fürst Romancier - Duke of Oldenburg - Fürst Heinrich
63 DE433330141420 HM Fürst Toto - Zonik - Sandro Hit
64 DE441410124820 HM Fynch Hatton - Rock Forever I - Fürst Heinrich
68 DE433330870720 HM Le Formidable - De Niro - Fidertanz
70 DE431319628020 HM Q-Sieben - De Niro - Caprimond/T.
73 DE433330328520 HM So Unique - Sandro Hit - Langata Express xx
74 DE433330861920 HM Springbank II - San Amour I - Don Romantic
75 DE433334105020 HM Totilas - Bordeaux - Don Primero
76 DE433330858620 HM Toto Jr - Finest - Daddy Cool
79 DE433330882520 HM Vivaldi - Daily Deal - Fidertanz
82 DE433332145920 HM Zackerey - Florencio I - Akzent II
84 DE431310657920 HM Best of Gold - Dancier - Weltmeyer
85 DE433330742420 HM Bon Coeur - Livaldon - Sandro Song
86 DE433332607020 HM Bonds - Top Gear - Hotline
87 DE433330461720 HM Dancier Gold - Dimaggio - Classiker
88 DE433330016520 HM Escamillo - Dante Weltino - Fidertanz
89 DE433330872020 HM Escamillo - Quaterback - Donnerhall
90 DE433330685520 HM Fahrenheit - Sunny-Boy - Rubinstein I
91 DE433330493320 HM Franklin - Sezuan - Lucky Light
92 DE433330363220 HM Freiherr von Stein/T - Rittersport - Glacier
93 DE433330666320 HM Glamourdale - Fürst Romancier - Latimer/T
94 DE433330787620 HM Jameson RS2 - Vivaldi - Rubinstein I
96 SWE004042003593 HM Kane - Sandro Hit - Rohdiamant
99 DE433330778120 HM Secret - For Romance I - Sir Donnerhall I
101 DE431310826420 HM So Unique - Diamond Hit - Sir Donnerhall I
102 DE433330814320 HM Springbank II - Sir Donnerhall I - Biotop/T
105 DE433330021020 HM Totillah - Licotus - Corlando
106 DE431316950720 HM Vainqueur - Follow Me - Lauries Crusador xx
109 DE433330122920 HM Zackerey - French Kiss - Argentinus
114 DE433330295020 HM Escamillo - Samba Hit II - Junior STV
115 AUT017210073820 HM Escolar - De Niro - Poseidon
116 DE441410661920 HM For Dance - Fürst Grandios - Maurice
118 DE433330849520 HM For Romance II - Dante Weltino - Fürst Romancier
120 DE433330450920 HM Fürstenball - Don Primero - Latimer/T
121 DE433330866420 HM Fürsten-Look - Sir Donnerhall I - Wolkentanz
123 NLD003202005655 HM Fürst Toto - Lancet - Cabochon
128 NLD003202001557 HM Le Formidable - Sandro Hit - Voltaire
130 DE433330246820 HM Millennium/T - Desperados - Londonderry
131 DE433330246620 HM Millennium/T - De Niro - Carprilli
133 DE433330613420 HM So Unique - For Romance I - Stedinger
134 DE433330862320 HM Toto Jr - Danciano - Donnerhall
135 NLD003202010636 HM Vitalis - Bordeaux - Tuschinski
136 DE431318102420 HM V-Plus - Fidertanz - Welt Hit II
138 NLD003202001098 HM Barton VDL - Don Schufro - Flemmingh
139 DE431310137720 HM Bon Courage - Don Marcello - Alabaster
140 DE433330097820 HM Bon Courage - Floriscount - Donnerschwee
142 DE433330057520 HM Dark Dressed Man - L' Espoir - Florencio I
144 DE433330622120 HM Donier - Fürst Romancier - Sandro Hit
145 DE433330005920 HM Escamillo - De Niro - Noble Roi xx
146 DE433330212320 HM Fidertanz - De Niro - Romancier
151 NLD003202005135 HM Kardieno - Jazz - Doruto/T
152 NLD003202002207 HM Kjento - Lord Leatherdale - Almox Prints J/T
153 DE433330328620 HM San Amour I - Damon Hill - Florestan I
154 DE433330819520 HM San Amour I - Foundation - De Niro
156 DE433330028120 HM Sir Gregory - Licotus - Placido
159 DE433332651920 HM Viva Gold - Desperados - Grenzfall/T
161 DE433330203020 HM Vivat Rex - Diamond Hit - Riccione
163 DE433330882220 HM Zafferano - Fürst Nymphenburg - Royal Blend
165 DE431316639120 HM Bonds - Donatus - Rotspon
166 DE433330531520 HM Bonds - Fidertanz - Alabaster
168 NLD003202009732 HM Electron - Charmeur - Vivaldi
169 DE441410653720 HM Escamillo - Ampere - Bormio xx
170 NLD003202000480 HM Just Wimphof - Bordeaux - Jazz
173 DE431310836220 HM Sandro Hit - Hochadel - Florestan I
174 DE441410465020 HM Secret - Levisonn - Quidam's Rubin
175 DE433330556320 HM Vitalis - Fürstenball - Florencio I
1. Oktober 97. Elite-Auktion / 97th Elite Auction
Elite-Reitpferde / Elite Sporthorses
01 Frontman OLD DE433330128318 HE-Rpf For Romance I - Don Romantic - Rubinstein
03 Quartett DE433330300418 HE-Rpf Quantensprung - Sir Donnerhall I - Akzent II
04 Ferrero DE433330899218 HE-Rpf Fürstenball - Bordeaux - Fidertanz
05 Sauvage DE433330137718 HE-Rpf Secret - Sandro Hit - Feiner Stern
06 Stars and Stripes DE433330395617 HE-Rpf Sandro Hit - Don Primero - Latimer/T.
07 Casper DE418180337717 HE-Rpf Chacoon Blue - Christian - Catoki
08 Get smart DE418180089718 HE-Rpf Glasgow van't Merelsnest - Lordanos - Espri
09 Charlotta DE418180269318 HE-Rpf Conthargos - Celano - San Carlos
10 Secret Game DE433330822718 HE-Rpf Secret - Fürst Wilhelm - Ron William
11 Beloved DE433330814816 HE-Rpf Benetton Dream - Fürstenball - Sunny-Boy
12 Sorbonne DE433330173218 HE-Rpf Secret - His Highness - Rubinstein I
13 Fellini DE433330747518 HE-Rpf For Romance II - San Amour I - Caprimond/T.
14 Song of Joy DE433330181318 HE-Rpf Sandro Hit - Don Schufro - Figaro
16 Cyber Jack DE418180111518 HE-Rpf Checkter - Carthago - Rolando
17 Vesper DE418182575617 HE-Rpf Vigo d'Arsouilles - Caspar - Burggraaf
18 Dubai DE418181314717 HE-Rpf Douglas - Converter - Landadel
20 Very Well DE433330539919 HE-Rpf Vitalis - Sandro Hit - Donnerhall
39 For Instance DE433330272918 HE-Rpf For Romance I - De Niro - His Highness
40 Dark Dance DE433332068918 HE-Rpf Desperado - Diamond Hit - De Niro
41 Desperanto DE433330055318 HE-Rpf Desperado - Sir Donnerhall I - Donnerschwee
42 Beauty Queen DE433330887519 HE-Rpf Benefit - Governor - Tango
43 Fenice DE433330852118 HE-Rpf Foundation - Florencio I - Dormello
44 Inflagranti DE433330823618 HE-Rpf Asgard's Ibiza - Sandro Hit - Rubinstein
45 Atticus DE418180385017 HE-Rpf Aganix du Seigneur Z - Calvaro - Avontuur
46 Heppi Hickstead DE418181025017 HE-Rpf Hickstead White - Conthargos - Zeus
47 Conner DE418182588517 HE-Rpf Casiro I - Concetto - Silvio I
48 Zuckerpuppe DE433330199719 HE-Rpf Zack - Quattro B - Acord II
49 Vagabund DE433330040117 HE-Rpf Vitalis - Sir Donnerhall I - Alabaster
50 Feinsinn DE433330165818 HE-Rpf Feinrich - Johnson - Wolkentanz II
51 Special Souvenir DE433330124919 HE-Rpf Secret - Sunny-Boy - Sion
53 Brooklyn DE433332143217 HE-Rpf Bon Coeur - Just Perfect - Mondrian xx
54 Vlaminck DE418180412618 HE-Rpf Van Gogh - Contendro I - Cassini I
55 Light my fire DE418180301118 HE-Rpf Fire and Ice J - Artwig - Freiherr
56 Save the Colour DE418180401118 HE-Rpf Samenco K - Tam-Tam - Vas Y Donc Longane
57 Battlecry DE433330080119 HE-Rpf Baron - De Niro - Akzent II
59 Vida Loca DE433334000517 HE-Rpf Vitalis - De Niro - Gribaldi/T.
61 Roosevelt DE433332064118 HE-Rpf Romanov Blue Hors - Sir Donnerhall I - Friedenfürst/T.
Elite-Fohlen / Elite Foals
21 Fürst Bismarck DE433330805022 HE-Fo Feinrich - Danone I - Quattro B
22 Final Touch DE433330841022 HE-Fo Fidertanz - De Niro - Fürst Romancier
23 Feine Dame DE433330805322 HE-Fo Fynch Hatton - San Amour I - Dream of Love
25 Jackson DE418180211522 HE-Fo Jarnac - Caretano Z - Claudio
26 Daily Pleasure DE418180656222 HE-Fo Dourkhan Hero Z - Iceman de Muze - Mr.
27 Here I am DE418180527522 HE-Fo Hardrock Z - I'm Special de Muze - Contendro I
28 De Angelo DE418180558622 HE-Fo Diablue PS - Cador - Acord II
29 Don Woods DE433330612722 HE-Fo Don Romance - Bretton Woods - Diamond Hit
30 Firedance DE433330733922 HE-Fo Fire Jazz - De Niro - Sion
31 Tenderness DE433330841622 HE-Fo Total McLaren - De Niro - Fürstenball
32 Graceful DE433330773822 HE-Fo Global Player - San Amour I - Latimer/T.
33 Brisbane DE418180656322 HE-Fo Bamako de Muze - Diarado - Tin Rocco
34 Countdown DE418180126522 HE-Fo Coeur de Bella Donna - Sandro Boy - Lasino
35 Frieda DE418180476422 HE-Fo Fire and Ice J - Contendro I - Last Liberty
36 Veltins DE433332222422 HE-Fo Valdiviani - Fidertanz - Depardieu
37 Total Hit DE433330075422 HE-Fo Total Diamond - Diamond Hit - Sandro
38 Santina DE433330872122 HE-Fo Santos - Sir Donnerhall I - Beach Boy
62 Trocadero DE433330563022 HE-Fo Total McLaren - Sir Donnerhall I - Rubinstein I
64 Formentera DE433330474522 HE-Fo For Dance - Floriscount - Rohdiamant
65 Freiheit DE433330017622 HE-Fo Feinrich - Stedinger - De Niro
66 Cha Cha Blue DE418180301222 HE-Fo Chacco-Blue - Zirocco Blue - Caretino
67 Aachen Calling DE418180656522 HE-Fo Asterix de Couleur - Contender I - Lancer
68 Touch Me DE418180656022 HE-Fo Taloubet Z - Quidam de Revel - Tin Rocco
70 Valdo DE433332223622 HE-Fo Valdiviani - Light and Easy - De Niro
71 Delikat DE433330856722 HE-Fo Despacito - Secret - Landrover
72 Herrera DE418180171322 HE-Fo Hardrock Z - Caspar - Ramiro
73 Applaus Applaus DE418180363922 HE-Fo Asca - Balou Peccio - Silvio I
74 Banause DE418180172222 HE-Fo Baggio - Recaro Brilliant - Amani
75 Bon Amour DE433330800522 HE-Fo Bonds - San Amour I - Don Frederico
77 Focus DE433330592522 HE-Fo For Romance I - Füstenball - Donnerhall
79 Verano DE433332222122 HE-Fo Valdiviani - Quattro B - Andiamo
3. September 1. Breeding Sales
01 Don Dolany DE433330710622 BS Don Schufro - Fidertanz - Dolany
02 Francesca DE433330185222 BS Fynch Hatton - De Niro - Fidertanz
03 Bonita DE433330849722 BS Bonds - Hennessy - Krack C
04 Tiffany DE433330833722 BS Toto Gold - Finest Selection - Diamond Hit
05 Heartbeat DE418180629522 BS Heartbreaker - Calvaro - Darco
06 Edward DE418180622822 BS Eldorado v.d. Zeshoek - Casallco - Emir R
07 Obstler DE418180620422 BS Ogano - Concetto - Silvio I
08 Boucheron DE433330783622 BS Baron - De Niro - Sevillano xx
09 Sweet Girl DE433330849822 BS Secret - Escolar - Fürst Romancier
10 Savannah DE433330420522 BS So Unique - Franziskus - Argentinus
11 Borgia DE433330368422 BS Bohemian - Fürst Heinrich - Weltmeyer
12 Tanger DE418180153622 BS Tangelo v.d. Zuuthoeve - Clooney - Ratsherr
13 Vivienne DE418180269322 BS Varihoka du Temple - Levisonn - Balou du Rouet
14 Foster DE433330058022 BS For Dance - Belissimo M - Sidney
15 Vanity DE433330135522 BS Va Bene - Sir Donnerhall I - Welt Hit I O
16 For Joy DE433330849622 BS For Ferrero - Bon Coeur - Lauries Crusador xx
17 Taiga DE418180622322 BS Tobago Z - Diamant de Semilly - Quidam de Revel
18 For Fun DE418180419622 BS For Treasure - Zacharov - Lansing
19 Sorbonne DE433330841122 BS So Perfect - Danone I - Weltmeyer
20 Frohsinn DE433330507422 BS Fynch Hatton - Fürst Romancier - Lafitte
21 Disney DE433330839222 BS Donier - Bretton Woods - Sir Donnerhall I
22 Dow Jones DE433330702122 BS Don Romance - Foundation - Sandro Hit
23 Sezenccio DE433330588922 BS Sezuan's Donnerhall - Florencio I - Santander H
24 Dynamic Hit DE433330612922 BS Dynamic Dream - Diamond Hit - Argentinus
25 Marilyn Monroe DE433330867716 BS Morricone I - Londonderry - Sandro Hit
26 Toffifee DE433330147419 BS Topas - De Niro - Lord Liberty
27 Weniga's Queeny DE433330590611 BS Quattro B - Andiamo - Waldhorn
28 La Diamant DE418180271418 BS Diamant de Quidam - Chin Chin - Landgraf I
29 Tea Time DE418180127619 BS Tangelo v.d. Zuuthoeve - Cassini II - Coriander
30 Fräulein Desselee DE433330354517 BS Floriscount - Sir Donnerhall I - Sion
31 Dunya P DE433330504107 BS Depardieu - Quattro B - Andiamo
32 Piacenta DE433330292515 BS Fürst Romancier - Sungold - Welt Hit II
17. August Fohlenregistrierung / foal registration
Asgard's Ibiza - Belissimo M - Londonderry
Chaccothage PS - Vivant van de Heffinck - Landor S
Coeur de Bella - De Quidam - Hermes de Lux
Conthargos - Quiran - Canturano
Eldorado van de Zeshoek - Lancer III - Damiani
Fire and Ice J - Levisonn - C-Indoctro
For Austria - Floriscount - Rohdiamant
La Vie - For Romance I - De Niro
Tomahawk - Imperio-T. - Diamond Hit
Total Diamond PS - Fürst Romancier - Sandro Hit
Vitalis - Sandro Hit - Rubinstein I
07. August 30. Fohlenmarkt Vechta
01 DE433330816122 FM Quaterback - Damon Hill - Donnerhall
02 DE433330459722 FM Glamourdale - Fürst Romancier - Fürst Heinrich
03 DE433330282022 FM Fürst Zonik PS - Destano - Desperados
07 DE433330055322 FM For Romance I - San Amour I - Sandro Hit
08 DE433330597922 FM Escolar - Zambuka - Scandic
09 DE433330459422 FM Dynamic Dream - Fürstenball - Fürst Heinrich
10 DE433330501822 FM Federer - Fürst Romancier - Fürst Heinrich
11 DE433330098522 FM Vivaldos - Sandro Hit - Sandro Song
14 DE433330050322 FM Benicio - Don Frederic - Don Frederico
15 DE433330590222 FM Follow Him's Schönweide - Harvard - Hohenstein/T.
17 DE433330797522 FM Leviathan - De Kooning - Donnerhall
19 DE433330386122 FM Fürst Wilhelm - Rooney - Rubin-Royal
20 DE433330490822 FM Bon Vivaldi NRW - Dimension - Donnerhall
22 DE433330543622 FM Total Diamond PS - For Romance II - Fürst Romancier
24 DE418180497722 FM Balou Star - Stakkato - Spartan
25 DE418180448022 FM Conthalou - Chacco's Son II - Chacco-Blue
26 DE418180497922 FM Chaplin - Valentino - Now Or Never M
27 DE418180413422 FM Cashmere - Toulouse - Toulon
28 DE418180493522 FM Ogano Sitte - No Limit - Nimmerdor
29 DE418180385822 FM Diarado - Charming Boy - Contendro I
30 DE418180618322 FM Light On - Cola Zero - Cola
32 DE418180548022 FM Kataro - Numero Uno - Achill-Libero H
33 DE418180409322 FM Stakkato Gold - Cagliostro - Calando
37 DE418180403522 FM For Treasure VDL - Quintender - Quinar
38 DE418180538122 FM Alaba - Get Smart - Granulit
40 DE418180337022 FM Armison - Stakkato Gold - Stakkato
41 DE433330213022 FM Iowa Gold - San Amour I - Sandro Hit
43 DE433330193222 FM Fürst Wilhelm - Destano – Desperados
44 DE433330557822 FM Total Diamond PS - For Romance I - Fürst Romancier
46 DE433330746422 FM Fürst Jazz - Romanov Blue Hors - Rohdiamant
47 DE433330679722 FM Kjento - Foundation - Fidertanz
48 DE433330205622 FM So Perfect - Statesman - Stedinger
50 DE433330829522 FM Franco Nero - Bon Bravour - Painted Black I
51 DE433330502822 FM Asgard's Ibiza - Show Star - Sandro Hit
52 DE433330721222 FM Despacito - Romanov Blue Hors - Rohdiamant
54 DE433330758422 FM Dynamic Dream - Stedinger - Sandro Hit
55 DE433330687022 FM Bon Courage - Dancing Hit - Don Romantic
56 DE433330060622 FM Debutant PS - Florencio I - Florestan I
57 DE433330519922 FM For Romance I - Governor - Totilas
58 DE433330758322 FM Dynamic Dream - Destano - Desperados
59 DE433330683822 FM Ellis - Quantensprung - Quando-Quando
60 DE433330563322 FM Escolar - Rock Forever I - Rockwell
61 DE433330486522 FM Zauberlehrling PS - Bretton Woods - Johnson
65 DE433330439522 FM Viva Gold - Florencio I - Florestan I
66 DE433330644222 FM De Niro Gold - Le Vivaldi - Daily Deal
67 DE433330587422 FM Bellany - Dream Boy - Donnerhall
69 DE418180633722 FM Grandorado TN - Balou du Rouet - Contendro I
70 DE418180407822 FM For my Pleasure - Ogano - Abke
71 DE433330869022 FM Sir Donnerhall I - Franziskus - Donnerschwee
72 DE433330730422 FM Sezuan's Donnerhall - Don Gregory - Castro
73 DE433330401922 FM Vivaldos - De Chirico - Cash and Carry
74 DE433330444422 FM Dynamic Dream - Fürstenball - Sir Donnerhall I
06. August 27. Elite - Fohlenauktion / 27th Elite Foal Auction
01 De Beers DE433330613222 FoE Dynamic Dream - Future I
02 Smilla DE433330483422 FoE Sir Donnerhall I - Quantensprung
03 It's me DE433330433622 FoE Asgard's Ibiza - De Niro
04 Fiorissimo DE433330122922 FoE For Romance I - Diamond Hit
05 Sezenccio DE433330588922 FoE Sezuan's Donnerhall - Florencio I
06 Best of Weihe DE433330364522 FoE Bonjour - Sandro Hit
07 Chacco de Revel DE418180620022 FoE Chacco-Blue - Quidam de Revel
08 Obstler DE418180620422 FoE Ogano - Concetto
09 Chrystal Heart DE418180617922 FoE Conthargos - Emerald v.h.R.
10 Extasy DE418180638222 FoE Ermitage Kalone - Comme il faut NRW
11 Freestyle DE418180197522 FoE Fire and Ice - Lord Pezi
12 San Paradiso DE433330329422 FoE San Amour I - Finest
13 Inchello DE433330017422 FoE Asgard's Ibiza - De Niro
14 Très Bien DE433330735222 FoE Total Diamond PS - Vivaldi
15 Fontana DE433330513022 FoE For Dance - Dante Weltino
16 Ferentino DE433330491322 FoE Fynch Hatton - Christ
17 Dylano DE433330694522 FoE Dynamic Dream - De Beau
18 Touch me DE433330747622 FoE Total Diamond PS - Asgard's Ibiza
19 Cha Cha Blue DE418180301222 FoE Chacco Blue - Zirocco Blue
20 Tycoon DE418180319822 FoE Tangelo v.d. Zuuthoeve - Contendro I
21 Here I am DE418180394722 FoE Hardrock Z - Dominator Z
22 Zledgehammer DE418180378822 FoE Zinedream - Flipper d'Elle
23 Dyton DE418180299822 FoE Dourkhan Hero Z - Cardento
24 Silverstone DE433330840022 FoE Sezuan - Sir Donnerhall
25 Der Tanz DE433330520922 FoE Dynamic Dream - Fidertanz
26 French open DE433330851522 FoE Follow's Him Schönweide - Indian Rock
27 Flanell DE433330719322 FoE Fynch Hatton - Indian Rock
28 Dakota DE433330736422 FoE Don Romance - Zonik
29 Duc de Normandie DE433330431522 FoE Donier - Sir Donnerhall I
30 Fontane DE433330376522 FoE For Romance I - Bordeaux
31 Carlotta DE418180368222 FoE Conthargos - Balou du Rouet
32 Oaksville DE418180283722 FoE Ogano Sitte - Casall
33 Zepter DE418180142622 FoE Ziroccocorte - Comme il faut
34 Djerba DE418180528022 FoE Diaron - Lordanos
35 Valmont DE418180559122 FoE Varihoka du Temple - Chacoon Blue
36 Standing Ovation DE433330766022 FoE San Amour I - De Niro
37 Dialog DE433330427222 FoE De Niro Gold - Johnson
38 Blueberry Hill DE433330850022 FoE Bonds - Imhotep - Ravel
39 Dancing Queen DE433330137422 FoE Dynamic Dream - Millennium/T
40 Involtini DE433330441722 FoE Infantino - Henkie
41 Next Hit DE433330461922 FoE Negro - Fürstenball
42 Empire State DE418180134222 FoE Emerald van het Ruytershof
43 Dia Peggia DE418180214922 FoE Diablue PS - Quintender
44 Venga Boy DE418180515122 FoE Vingino - Arezzo VDL
45 Moonlight DE418180125622 FoE Mumbai van de Moerhoeve
46 Cleveland DE418180174722 FoE Comme il faut NRW - Diarado
47 Vivaro DE433330436322 FoE Vitalis - Fidertanz
48 Bonita DE433330849722 FoE Bonds - Hennessy
49 Flair Noblesse DE433330448322 FoE Fürst Jazz - Sir Donnerhall I
50 Mai Tai DE433330573822 FoE Morricone I - San Amour I
51 Ducati DE433330474222 FoE Dancier Gold - De Niro
52 Vanity Flair DE433330831922 FoE Valdiviani - De Niro
53 Déjà Vu DE433330588822 FoE Dynamic Dream - Florenico I
54 Cortez DE418180630922 FoE Cicero Z - Dia Corrado
55 Touchdown DE418180596422 FoE Tangelo van de Zuuthoeve - Singular LS La Silla
56 Heartbeat DE418180213322 FoE Hardrock Z - Christian
57 Dynamite DE418180448322 FoE Diamant de Semilly - Comme il faut NRW
58 Raphaelo DE433330591022 FoE Raven - Fürstenball
59 Gala DE433330606722 FoE Galaxy - Destano
60 So Special DE433330613522 FoE So Perfect - Sandro Hit
61 Sweet surpriseDE 433330839922 FoE Symphony - Secret
62 Fitz Roy DE433330319222 FoE For Dance - Quaterback
63 Figo DE433330829322 FoE Fürst Toto - Asgard's Ibiza
21. Juli Elite-Stutenschau Rastede
02 Anett de Balou-S DE418180140219 Balou du Rouet - Silvio I
04 Lady Casina DE418180378119 Casino Berlin - Lordanos
05 Chilly Blue DE418181065018 Chaccodello - Zapateado
06 La Caprice DE418180176118 Comme le père - Diarado
07 Diacontira DE418180088619 Conthargos - Diarado
08 Canberra DE418181013218 Checkter - Cordalme
09 Jurwinas fille DE418180163918 Cornet Obolensky
10 Anni-Frid DE418180097019 Dominator Z - Contendro I
11 Kunda W DE418181104419 Ogano - Casino Berlin
12 Lady Ogana DE418180427719 Ogano - Catoki
13 Lana DE418181101519 Ogano - Landor S
14 K-Frau Geers DE418180299719 Stakkato Gold - Charming Boy
15 Tabea Blue DE418180497819 Toulon - Chacco-Blue
20 Benice DE433330011319 Benefit - Stedinger
22 Weihe's Stern DE433334038619 Dante's Junior - Fürst Heinrich
24 Elysée DE433330098719 Escolar - Laurentio
25 Soleil DE433330813519 Escolar - Sandro Hit
26 Lady Love M DE433330331519 Escolar - Sir Donnerhall I
28 Sarina DE433330128518 Finest Selection - Diamond Hit
29 Florida DE433330052618 Florenz - Del Piero
31 Waldrose RS DE433330372718 For Romance I - De Niro
32 Donna Felicia DE433330334118 For Romance I - Royal Doruto
33 Geneva DE433330780419 For Romance I - Zack
34 Marbella DE433330675519 Foundation - Fürst Romancier
35 Shadow Fairy Caledonia DE433330882419 Foundation - Sir Donnerhall I
37 Wundervolle DE433330238018 Fürstenball - Donnerhall
38 Zahara Diamond DE433330013819 Indian Rock - Sir Donnerhall I
39 Soiree de Reve DE433330754318 Quantensprung - San Amour I
40 Saphira DE 433330300418 Quantensprung - Sir Donnerhall I
41 Pascale DE433330099018 San Amour I - Donnerschwee
42 Wolke's freche Göre JM DE433330848519 Sandro Hit - Wolkentanz
43 Weissena's Beauty DE433330070519 Sir Donnerhall I - Don Romantic
44 Femme Farouche DE433330861419 Secret - De Niro
45 Feldsternchen DE433330025019 Secret - De Niro
46 Dalma Sia Ballante DE433330312618 Secret - Diamond Hit
47 Polly DE433330653919 Secret - Finest
48 Orinda DE433330713818 Secret - Fürstenball
49 Really Cool DE433330100219 Secret - Fürstenball
50 Noble Secret DE433330124919 Secret - Sunny-Boy
51 Wolkenspiel DE433330702318 Vitalis - Ampere
52 Rihanna DE433330009419 Vitalis - Bordeaux
05. Juli Fohlenregistrierung Römerstein / Foal registration Römerstein
301 DE418180601822 FRE Chacoon Blue - Clinton I - Lancer II
302 DE418180125122 FRE Kiton Star - Collado - Zapateado
04. Juli Fohlenchampionat Malching / Foal championship Malching
01 DE433330364922 FRE Be Sure - Dante Weltino - Sion
02 DE433330488922 FRE Bonds - Royal Hit - Sandro Hit
04 DE433330003122 FRE Bon Joker - Fidertanz - Donnerschwee
05 DE433330489022 FRE Dancier Gold - Fürstenball - Donnerhall
06 DE433330157322 FRE F-D'avie - Johnson – Rasso
07 DE433330631922 FRE Fürst Grandios - Dante Weltino - Quattro B
08 DE433330492622 FRE Fürst Wilhelm - Zatchmo - Rubin-Royal
09 DE433330455722 FRE Toto Gold - Zack - Sir Donnerhall I
11 DE433330841322 FRE Viva Gold - Don Diamond - In Flagranti/T.
12 DE433330543022 FRE For Romance I - Indian Rock - Degas
13 DE433330106622 FRE Total Hope - Sir Donnerhall I - Metternich
301 DE418180148922 FRE Diaron - Cornet's Stern - Piaster - Baloubet du Rouet - Quincy
304 DE418180531922 FRE Vingino - Cosido - Kolibri
305 DE418180629222 FRE Vingino - Charisma I - Prinz Pilot
308 DE418180148622 FRE Cornet Obolensky - Diamant De Semilly - Cassini I
310 DE418180587122 FRE Conthargos - Mylord Carthago - Landor S
311 DE418180144722 FRE Le Blue Diamond van't Rytershof - Quidam de Revel - Lordanos
02. Juli Fohlenchampionat Vechta / Foal championship Vechta
301 DE 418180378722 FRE Casallco - Stalypso - Contender
302 DE 418180527922 FRE Chaccothage Blue PS - Lord Laptop - Escudo I
303 DE 418180149022 FRE Chaccothage Blue PS - Lycos - Lichtenau
304 DE 418180386622 FRE Comme il faut NRW - Ogano Sitte - Quintender
305 DE 418180626222 FRE Contagio - Lord Z - Nimmerdor
306 DE 418180378422 FRE Conthargos - Chico's Boy - Corradino
307 DE 418180150622 FRE Conthargos - Balou du Rouet - Argentinus
309 DE 418180391022 FRE Cornet de Semilly - Balou du Rouet - Sion
310 DE 418180401922 FRE Diamant van Klapscheut Z - Gracieux - Levantos I
311 DE 418180454522 FRE For Planet - Cantoblanco - Contender
312 DE 418180125622 FRE Mumbai van de Moerhoeve - Lord Pezi - Landadel
313 DE 418180363922 FRE Asca - Balou Peggio - Silvio I
314 DE 418180397722 FRE Barr Bassid - Goodman - Wienerwald
315 DE 418180420022 FRE Candy de Nantuel - Viscount - Great Pleasure
316 DE 418180500122 FRE Charthago Blue - Cavall - Clinton
318 DE 418180001722 FRE Dominator Z - Clinton I - Cristallo I
319 DE 418180401722 FRE For Treasure VDL - Vivant van de Heffinck - Argentinus
320 DE 418180581522 FRE Sandro Junior - Light On - Con Capitol
321 DE 418180608722 FRE Valensky - Fighting Alpha - Gloster
322 DE 418180256522 FRE Van Gogh - Coupe de Coeur - Grannus
323 DE 418180001422 FRE Varihoka du Temple - Concetto - Castro
324 DE 418180613022 FRE Verdi - Levinus - Quintero
325 DE 418180583922 FRE Balou du Rouet - Cassini II - Carbano
326 DE418180380522 FRE Aristoteles V - Cardento - Contendro I
01 DE433330751022 FRE Benicio - Foundation - Hohenstein/T.
02 DE433330050322 FRE Benicio - Don Frederic - Sunny-Boy
03 DE433330454322 FRE Best of Gold - Rubin-Royal - Le Coeur
06 DE433330588822 FRE Dynamic Dream - Florencio I - Feinbrand
09 DE433330600322 FRE Escolar - Franziskus - Sir Donnerhall I
10 DE433330454422 FRE Escolar - Florencio I - Figaro
14 DE433330316822 FRE Franziskus - Belissimo M - Don Pikado
16 DE433330516322 FRE Jameson RS2 - De Niro - Eiger I
17 DE433330493322 FRE Maracaná - Royal Diamond - Sandro Hit
18 DE433330187922 FRE Morricone I - Sandro Hit - Landadel
19 DE433330272222 FRE Secret - Signore Rubinstein - Del Martino
20 DE433330837422 FRE Secret - Quaterback - Lordanos
21 DE433330521522 FRE So Perfect - Fürst Romancier - Sunny-Boy
25 DE433330467822 FRE Total Hope - Sandro Hit - Rubin-Royal
26 DE433330513222 FRE Toto Gold - Faustinus - Rohdiamant
27 DE433330478222 FRE Va' Pensiero - Danciano - Sunny-Boy
28 DE433330703422 FRE Va Bene - Negro - San Amour I
29 DE433330467522 FRE Viva Gold - Governor - Sandro Hit
30 DE433330791422 FRE Viva Gold - St. Patrick - Bernay
33 DE433330785122 FRE Baron (DK) - Sir Donnerhall I - Welt Hit II
35 DE433330753322 FRE Benicio - Sir Donnerhall I - Fürst Heinrich
36 DE433330697222 FRE Bonds - Bon Bravour - Quaterback
37 DE433330490822 FRE Bon Vivaldi NRW - Dimension - Khalkis xx
39 DE433330721222 FRE Despacito - Romanov Blue Hors - Aquilino
40 DE433330702122 FRE Don Romance - Foundation - Sandro Hit
43 DE433330459422 FRE Dynamic Dream - Fürstenball - His Highness
45 DE433330683822 FRE Ellis - Quantensprung - Fürst Romancier
49 DE433330476322 FRE For Romance I - Vitalis - Raphael
50 DE433330278622 FRE Fürst Jazz - Follow Me - Depardieu
52 DE433330500522 FRE Imposantos - Royal Hit - Weltmeyer
53 DE433330834622 FRE Majestic Taonga - Hibiskus/T.
54 DE433330452222 FRE Millennium/T. - Sergio Rossi - Rubinstein I
55 DE433330008822 FRE Morricone I - Zhivago - Loutano
59 DE433330527122 FRE Total Diamond PS - Fürstenberg - Santander H
60 DE433330278522 FRE Total Diamond PS - Barclay - Akzent II
61 DE433330164222 FRE Total Diamond PS - San Amour I - Rohdiamant
62 DE433330447522 FRE Totilas - Foundation - Florencio I
66 DE433330218422 FRE Millennium/T.
67 DE433330232022 FRE Diamond Hit - Sarkozy - Del Piero
68 DE433330736322 FRE Don Romance - Stedinger - Concetto
02. Juli Fohlenchampionat Bonefeld / Foal championship Bonefeld
01 DE433330698222 FRE Bonds - Jazz - Contender
05 DE433330787522 FRE Flashbang - Laurentio - Rohdiamant
06 DE433330183422 FRE For Romance I - Gribaldi/T. - Enchantee/T.
09 DE433330097022 FRE Fynch Hatton - San Amour I - Florestan I
10 DE433330475522 FRE Goldberg - Don Frederico - Matcho AA
11 DE433330587922 FRE Asgard's Ibiza - Edward - Peintre Celebre xx
12 DE433330512622 FRE Insterburg/T. - Sirtaki - Prinz Miro
13 DE433330458322 FRE Next Level - Rascalino - Rohdiamant
14 DE433330458222 FRE Nirvano - Licotus - Curacao
16 DE433330665422 FRE Painted Black I - Lord Loxley - Ricardos
17 DE433330847322 FRE Quantensprung - Rotspon - Belstaff
18 DE433330824522 FRE Shu Fu - Mighty Magic - Fame of Wondaree
19 DE433330532222 FRE Total Hope - Sir Donnerhall I - Florencio I
21 DE433330563922 FRE Balou du Rouet - Champion For Pleasure - Sandro
22 DE433330751522 FRE Benicio - Christ - Marek x
23 DE433330564222 FRE Benicio - Don Juan de Hus - Diamond Hit
24 DE433330815722 FRE D'Egalite - Rousseau (ex: Rambo) - Landadel
25 DE433330489422 FRE Dimaggio Black - Dr.Doolittle - Rubinstein I
27 DE433330580622 FRE For Romance I - Riccio - Newcastle
29 DE433330015022 FRE Sky - Diamond Hit - Guy Laroche/T.
31 DE433330692622 FRE Topas - Acorath - De Niro
33 DE433330852122 FRE Fidertanz - Con Capitol - Lorentin I
302 DE418180603322 FRE Chacco-Blue - Untouchable - Vigo D'Arsouilles
303 DE418180560622 FRE Chaccothage Blue PS - Lord Pizarro - Zacharias
304 DE418180365522 FRE Chamberland - Contifax I - Argentinus
305 DE418180485222 FRE Coeur de Bella Donna - Spartacus - Landor S
307 DE418180603222 FRE Heartbreaker - Artos Z - Ramiro
308 DE418180133522 FRE Jasper - Carrico - Ludwig von Bayern
310 DE418180365622 FRE Chamberland - Carlo - Loredo
313 DE418180000822 FRE Hickstead Blue - Diamant De Semilly - Cardino
314 DE418180422922 FRE Like Pleasure M - Karajan - Viscount
316 DE418180406022 FRE Viscount - Cordalme - Salut
319 DE418180605122 FRE Emerald van het Ruytershof - Conte Bellini - Darco
22. Juni Fohlenprämierung Werder/Havel / foal registration Werder/Havel
19. Juni Fohlenchampionat Homberg/Ohm / Foal championship Homberg/Ohm
301 DE418182200722 FRE Balou Star - Burggraf - Double Espoir
305 DE418180526522 FRE Comme il faut NRW - Cornet Obolensky - Cassini II
306 DE418180603522 FRE Contagio - Lord Pezi – Balou du Rouet
307 DE418180479122 FRE Cornet de Semilly - Chambertin – Quick Star
308 DE418180628622 FRE Cornet Obolensky - Contendro I - Espri
309 DE418180474922 FRE Forlee – Cordalme - Grandeur
311 DE418180139422 FRE For Treasure VDL - Chacco-Blue - Ramiro's Son II
312 DE418180253522 FRE Last Man Standing - Clearway – Weinberg
313 DE418180435022 FRE Nassiniq - Colestus – Rüter
314 DE418180326322 FRE Ogano - Cento – Cor de la Bryere
315 DE418180391722 FRE Stolzenberg - Lordanos – Argentinus
316 DE418180617322 FRE Tangelo van de Zuuthoeve - Casall – Askari
317 DE418180322422 FRE Chubakko - Balou du Rouet - Werther
318 DE418180428622 FRE Forlee - Chamberland – For Success
319 DE418180234822 FRE For Planet - Stakkato Gold – Alexis
320 DE418180628322 FRE I'm Special de Muze - For Pleasure – Quito de Baussy
321 DE418180607622 FRE Quite Carenzo - Quick Star – Pluriel
322 DE418180391622 FRE Viscerado - Plot Blue – Acasino B
323 DE418180634522 FRE Gentleman - Demirel - Albatros
01 DE433330441322 FRE Bellany - Danone I - Airport
02 DE433330368422 FRE Bohemian - Fürst Heinrich - Weltmeyer
03 DE433330379522 FRE Bon Joker – Weltmeyer – Rohdiamant
04 DE433330620222 FRE DeLorean - Dream of Diamond - Chief Singer xx
05 DE433330537922 FRE Despacito - Romanov Blue Hors - Alphard xx
06 DE433330594922 FRE Dimaggio - Black Sarkozy - Sambuco B
10 DE433330815822 FRE Indian Summer - Licosto – Worldly
11 DE433330610022 FRE Qaside MD - Self made - Weltmeyer
12 DE433330779422 FRE Santos - Fürst Romancier - San Amour I
13 DE433330653222 FRE Sir Donnerhall I - Fidertanz – De Niro
14 DE433330560422 FRE Sky - Bailamos Biolley - Don Bosco
17 DE433330520122 FRE Va' Pensiero - Stedinger – Grandeur
19 DE433330483722 FRE Viva Gold - Bernay - Gribaldi/T
20 DE433330821922 FRE Baccardi's Best - Diamond Star - Anduc/T
21 DE433330707622 FRE Beck's - Zackerey - Wenzel I
22 DE433330584522 FRE Damaschino I - Quantensprung – Sir Donnerhall I
23 DE433330765522 FRE Danciero - Fürstenstern – Ruben As
24 DE433330520922 FRE Dynamic Dream - Fidertanz – Latimer/T
25 DE433330080422 FRE Eckhardt - Donnerschlag – Bormio xx
26 DE433330166822 FRE Ellis - Lauries Crusador xx - Feiner Stern
27 DE433330828422 FRE Ellis - Destano - Wolkentanz
28 DE433330628522 FRE For Romance I - Livaldon - Dancier
29 DE433330833622 FRE Franziskus - Cassini II - Coriolan
30 DE433330837222 FRE Imposantos - Dancier – Royal Diamond
31 DE433330240922 FRE Morricone I - San Amour I - Don Schufro
32 DE433330832422 FRE Rohjuwel - Zack – Sion
33 DE433330707522 FRE My Blue Hors Santiano - Desperado - Dante Weltino
34 DE433330839622 FRE Schwarzgold/T - Franz-Ferdinand - Demirel
37 DE433330504922 FRE Sir Donnerhall I - De Niro – Rubinstein I
38 DE433330560522 FRE Va' Pensiero - Sezuan – De Niro
39 DE433330705822 FRE Vitalis - Negro – Sandro Hit
41 DE433330843022 FRE Vivanero - Donauklang/T – Simonetti
42 DE433330703822 FRE Va Bene - Fürst Wilhelm - Exorbitant xx
11. Juni 7. Oldenburger Special Edition
01 Secret Royal DE433337791818 SE-Rpf Secret - Rubin-Royal
02 Blue Hope DE433330609016 SE-Rpf Bordeaux - Sandro Hit - De Niro
03 Go for Gold DE433330058217 SE-Rpf Goldberg - Rubin Cortes - Donnerhall
04 Velvet Black DE418180321517 SE-Rpf Vagabond d.l.
05 Dragonball DE418180233218 SE-Rpf Diamant de Plaisir - Lordanos - Lanthan
06 Clark Gable DE418180374417 SE-Rpf Cornet Obolensky - Nabab de Reve - For Pleasure
07 Vino Veritas DE433330054918 SE-Rpf Vitalis - Donnerschwee - Kondor xx
08 Etienne DE433330873719 SE-Rpf Erdinger - Damon Hill - Kostolany/T.
09 Ipamera DE433330748318 SE-Rpf Asgard's Ibiza - Just Perfect - Mondrian
10 Dicapo DE41818-0133117 SE-Rpf Diamant de Semilly - Stakkato - Contender
11 Tamina DE418180094417 SE-Rpf Hickstead White - Lucky Champ - Cassini II
12 Caspiatha DE418180374717 SE-Rpf Casallco - Mondrian xx - Dashing Blade
14 Danza di Maggio DE433330296518 SE-Rpf Dancier - Dimaggio - Santander H
15 Frascina DE433332042817 vFrascino - Fidertanz - De Vito
16 Clyde DE418180663517 SE-Rpf Casanova - Lord Pezi - Argentan
17 Da Carta DE418180413518 SE-Rpf Dakato - D'Inzeo - Louis
18 Valpolicella DE433330858717 SE-Rpf Van Gogh - Chekandino - Levantos
20 Zacharias DE43333-2067318 SE-Rpf Zackerey - Florencio I - Akzent II
21 Zonello DE433330204317 SE-Rpf Zonik One - Dormello - Akzent II
30 Fynn the Great DE433330732622 FRE Fynch Hatton - Florenz - Bordeaux
31 Friendscout DE433330815022 FRE Friedrich der Große - Stedinger - Regazzoni
32 Tizian DE433330289322 FRE Total Diamond PS - Dolany - Linaro
33 Bonne Chance DE433330457122 FRE Bon Courage - Zatchmo - Rubinstein I
34 Bonito DE433330525322 FRE Bonds - Fahrenheit - Don Daxau
35 Chesterfield DE418180621622 FRE Chacoon Blue - Cascadello I - Heraldik xx
36 El Chico DE418187274022 FRE Eldorado v.d. Zeshoek - Numero Uno - Coronado
37 Del Mar DE418180560922 FRE Diablue PS - Quidam's Rubin - Landadel
38 Haribo DE418180008222 FRE Hardrock Z - Zirocco Blue - Ramiro
39 Universal DE418180619322 FRE Utamaro D'Ecaussines - Taloubet Z - Landcapitol
40 Titanium DE433330804722 FRE Total Diamond PS - De Niro - Sevillano xx
41 Sky Princess DE433330417922 FRE Sky - Don Romantic - Fidertanz
43 Salvatore DE433330472422 FRE San Amour I - Tomahawk - Fidertanz
44 Vom Feinsten DE433330827122 FRE Von Und Zu - Quantensprung - Tycoon/T.
45 Jil Sander DE433330470922 FRE Jameson RS2 - Fahrenheit - De Niro
46 Caprice d'Amour DE418180613122 FRE Cosmos Z - Stakkkato - Sherlock Holmes
47 Caliente DE418180620722 FRE Comme il faut - Christian - Acord II
49 Dua Lipa DE418180380322 FRE Diamant de Plaisir I - Chacco-Blue - Cordalme
50 Potter DE418180284022 FRE Pegase v.Ruytershof - Contender - Caletto I
51 Filius DE433330827822 FRE Fürstenball - Sir Donnerhall I - Friedenfürst/T.
52 Dandy DE433330814922 FRE Dante Weltino - Ampère - Waldstar
53 Four Seasons DE433330776522 FRE Foundation - San Amour I - Donnerschwee
54 Vivian DE433330186122 FRE Vitalis - Swarovski - Pablo
55 Bentley DE433330751422 FRE Benicio - Sir Donnerhall I - Bordeaux
56 Coolmore DE418180620922 FRE Conthargos - Clinton - Cassini
57 Jamaica DE418180620222 FRE Jasper - Kannan - Dollar Dela Pierre
58 Chic Chèra DE418180285822 FRE Chaccon Blue - Casco - Acord II
59 Dexter DE418180621522 FRE Diamant de Semilly - Corrado I - Contender
60 Elegance DE418187274322 FRE Eldorado v.d. Zeshoek - Contendro I - Grannus
61 Foreign Affair DE433330280922 FRE Follow's Him Schönweide - Florencio I - Depardieu
62 Folklore DE433330532822 FRE For Romance I - Quando-Quando - Hochadel
63 Freixenet DE433330521322 FRE Franklin - Vivaldi - Stedinger
64 Tahiti DE433330827022 FRE Totilas - Zonik - De Niro
65 Floriano DE433330525022 FRE For Romance I - St.
66 Aoki DE418180509222 FRE Asterix de Couleur - Opus Magnum - Corrado
67 Clifford Chance DE418180326022 FRE Casino Berlin - Cornet Obolensky - Cassini I
68 Ferrero DE418180478822 FRE For Planet - Quidam de Revel - Contendro I
69 Chaccorado DE418180559422 FRE Chaccothage Blue PS - Diarado - Quidam's Rubin
24. Mai Stutenleistungsprüfung OS Vechta / Mare performance test OS Vechta
01 Zita DE418180115417 SLP Zirocco Blue - Catoki
02 Chacoonetta DE418180071117 SLP Chacoon Blue - Barnaul xx
03 Raja Chacoona DE418180315017 SLP Chacoon Blue - Christian
04 DE418180226818 SLP Karajan - Diarado
05 Elluna Q DE418180397118 SLP Numero Uno - Cordalme
06 Alida M DE418180123818 SLP Checkter - Lex Lugar
07 Caleesi DE455551055718 SLP Hickstead White - Cantolino
08 Adela DE433330011118 SLP Casino Grande - Sion
10 Cara Chacoona DE418180171018 SLP Chacoon Blue - Quidam's Rubin
11 Casey FM DE418184011718 SLP Casallco - Chico's Boy
12 Walouna Sky DE418180300318 SLP Balou du Rouet - Argentinus
13 Kiana DE433330342718 SLP Chacoon Blue - Landsieger I
14 DE418180082418 SLP Ogano - Landor S
15 Amanda Blue DE418184032418 SLP Action Blue - Last Man Standing
19 DE418180355519 SLP Conthargos - Stolzenberg
20 Feldgoldpepper DE418180482619 SLP Hickstead White - Quintender
22 Bel Blue DE418184033519 SLP Balou du Rouet - Chacco-Blue
23 Acomet's Girl DE433330253219 SLP Acomet - Raphael
24 DE418180355819 SLP Conthargos - Balou du Rouet
26 Biscara StG DE418180277017 SLP Toulon - Contendro I
31 Azula DE418180316918 SLP Air King - Armitage
35 Veronica Blue DE418180127218 SLP Zirocco Blue - Lord Pezi
37 DE418180430118 SLP Karajan - Baloubet du Rouet
38 DE418180186318 SLP Vivant van de Heffinck - Centus
39 Gogo Chanel DE418181065218 SLP Chaccodello - Zatinus
41 Casanova's Girl DE433334033718 SLP Conthargos - Contendro I
42 DE418180157418 SLP Cornet Obolensky - Quite Capitol
44 Kamira DE418180369219 SLP Kannan - Stakkato
45 DE418181101019 SLP Casino Grande - Corlensky G
46 DE418180378419 SLP Casino Berlin - Baloubet du Rouet
47 DE418180370319 SLP Diamant De Semilly - Cornet Obolensky
51 DE418180100319 SLP Connect - Camax L
52 Greta Obolensky DE418180263819 SLP Cornet Obolensky - Concetto
53 DE418180400019 SLP Manchester van't Paradijs - Cantoblanco
56 DE431310258019 SLP Ogano - For Pleasure
57 Olivia DE418181152318 SLP Ogano Sitte - Diarado
11. - 12. Mai Fohlenregistrierung / Foal registration
06 DE418180393022 Hardrock Z - Skippy II - Grannus
11 DE433330439922 Santos - Martinez - Donautanz
15 DE433330420622 So Perfect - Romanov Blue Hors - Harvard
18 DE433330431322 Asgard's Ibiza - Don Romantic - Lord Liberty G
19 DE418180497922 Chaplin - Valentino
25 DE418180142022 Chaccotage Blue PS - Diarado - Lordanos
34 DE433330823422 Bordeaux - Sir Donnerhall I - Weltmeyer
43 DE418180616522 Jasper - Diarado - Cormint
52 DE418180407222 For Planet - Contendro I - Grannus
59 DE433330584222 Van Pensiero - Dancier - Rob Roy
v. Colman - Light On
10. Mai Fohlenregistrierung / Foal registration
7. Mai 25. Online Elite-Fohlenauktion / 25th Online Elite Foal Auction
01 Debussy DE433330736222 FoE Debutant PS - San Amour I
02 Victor DE433330467722 FoE Viva Gold - Totilas
03 Fyre Festival DE433330764122 FoE Fynch Hatton - De Niro
04 Saumur DE433330017322 FoE San Amour I - De Niro
05 Crimetime DE418180335222 FoE Cornet Obolensky - Balou du Rouet
06 No Mercy DE 418180613822 FoE Nixon - Coriano - Grannus
07 King of Queens DE418180290722 FoE Kannan - Diamant de Semilly
08 Mainstream DE418180362622 FoE Mumbai v.d.M. - Lordanos
09 Vitancier DE433330817022 FoE Vitalis - Dancier
10 Imperial DE433330553922 FoE Ivanhoe_T. - Christ.
11 Flower Power DE433330813722 FoE Foundation - San Amour
12 La Perla DE433330420822 FoE Le Formidable - Uphill
13 Daylight DE433330735822 FoE Debutant PS - Vitalis
14 Can_t touch it DE418182200622 FoE Coeur de Bella Donna - Le Blue Diamond v.R
15 Easy Lover DE418180205522 FoE Eldorado v.d.Zeshoek - Cassini II
16 Drumbeat DE418180615022 FoE Diamant de Quidam - Kanndarco
17 Bocuse DE433330534022 FoE Bonds - Fidertanz
18 Gala DE433330467622 FoE Galaxy - Millennium_T
19 Sansibar DE433330468322 FoE San Amour I - Florestan I
20 Infinity DE433330475722 FoE Asgard_s Ibiza - Depardieu
21 Cash Call DE418180235922 FoE Chacoon-Blue - Vivant v.d.Heffinck
22 Exquisit DE418180296122 FoE Escape Z - Verdi
23 Candyman DE418180584622 FoE Conthargos - Luxius
24 Viabella DE418180591822 FoE Varihoka du Temple - Contender
6.-7. April Veranlagungsprüfung
31.März - 2. April _ 96. Elite-Auktion - 11. Sattelkörung / 96th Elite Auction - 11th Saddle Licensing
96. Elite-Auktion / 96th Elite Auction
01 Morricone III DE433330022716 FE-Rpf Millennium/T – Rubin-Royal
02 Donatus DE433332300118 FE-Rpf Don Martillo - Sir Donnerhall I
03 Fantastique DE433330581017 FE-Rpf Fürstenball - Belissimo M
04 Mistral DE433330905119 FE-Rpf Mykonos - Fürst Romancier
05 Ironie DE433330026217 FE-Rpf Asgard's Ibiza - Ex Libris
06 Kannan's Girl DE418182568916 FE-Rpf Kannan - Cassini II
07 Zidane DE418180392318 FE-Rpf Zirocco Blue – Casall
08 Upgrade DE418182524215 FE-Rpf Up to Date – Indorado
09 Saratoga DE433330844618 FE-Rpf Secret – Dimaggio
10 Fendi Foulard DE433330560718 FE-Rpf Feinrich - Sandro Hit
12 Valiant DE433330623018 FE-Rpf Vitalis – Fürstenball
13 Florence DE433330349918 FE-Rpf Floriscount – Swarovski
14 Stallone Gold DE418180324816 FE-Rpf Stakkato Gold – Luxius
15 Casino Dream DE433330050916 FE-Rpf Casino Grande - Landor S
17/51 Tip Top DE433330728419 FE-Rpf Toto Jr. - Benicio
18 Dolce Vita DE433330278318 FE-Rpf De Beau – Statesman
19 Brasiliano DE433330040217 FE-Rpf Bordeaux - Fürst Heinrich
20 Boccaccio DE433330014416 FE-Rpf Bordeaux - Royal Diamond
21 Flair DE433330214018 FE-Rpf Foundation - Sandro Hit
22 Catharsis DE418182558816 FE-Rpf Cumano - Quick Star
23 Oh Jonny DE418180311117 FE-Rpf Ogano – Cordalme
24 Chloé DE418180160617 FE-Rpf Carrera – Quality
26 Dear Darling DE433330147218 FE-Rpf Diamond Hit - Bretton Woods
28 Bon Cherie DE433330787017 FE-Rpf Bon Coeur – Bentley
29 Secco Frizzante DE433330314819 FE-Rpf Secret - Florestan I
30 Valegra DE418180122817 FE-Rpf Vagabond de la Pomme – Cento
31 Florenciane DE418180333017 FE-Rpf Casalido - For Edition
33 Fougair DE433330047818 FE-Rpf Fürsten-Look - Diamond Hit
34 Filippo DE433330607318 FE-Rpf Franziskus - Show Star
35 Fürstinus DE433330141518 FE-Rpf Fürsten-Look - Florestan I
11. Sattelkörung / 11th saddle licensing
42 Fosbury DE433330907019 HM For Emotion – Dimaggio
45 Glam Rock DE441411228819 HM Glamourdale - Enzo Ferrari
46 Glory Day DE431316808919 HM Glamourdale – Londonderry
47 Krokant DE431316674619 HM Kremlin MD – Bvlgari
48 Marc Aurel DE441410442419 HM Marc Cain – Donnerhall
49 Secret's Hit DE433330461919 HM Secret - Sandro Hit
50 Scotland Yard DE433330007719 HM Secret - Fürst Romancier
51/17 Tip Top DE433330728419 HM Toto jJr - Benicio
53 DE433330734119 Bon Coeur - Danone I - Golfstrom II
54 NLD003201902313 Daily Diamond - Lord Leatherdale - Negro
56 DE433332177718 HM Sezuan - Rubin-Royal - Grannenstolz
25. Februar 1. Zuchtstuten Elite-Auktion 2022 / 1st Broodmare Elite Auction 2022
01 El. Ennigaldi DE433330177212 San Amour I - Depardieu
02 Zabayone DE433330615413 Zonik - Don Gregory
03 Opium Girl DE418180170309 Diarado - Colbert
04 Vicenza DE418180023711 Lord Pezi - Balou du Rouet
05 El. Fabrice's Zick Zack DE433330676110 Zack - Freiherr
06 Elite Return DE433330147209 Sungold - Depardieu
07 Reica DE418180231418 Cornet Obolensky - Landor S
08 Lotte-Marie DE418180208716 Singular LS - Argentinus
09 Fair Lady DE433330347114 Fürst Wilhelm - Ron William
10 Orlanda DE418181017816 Orlando - Rubinstein I
11 Vadely DE418180122917 Voltaire - Carnando
26. Januar Hengstvorauswahl 11. Sattelkörung
01 DE441410345619 HM Apache – Rock Forever
02 DE433330080119 HM Baron – De Niro
03 DE433330160619 HM Baron - Don Romantic
04 DE433330486119 HM Baron – Fidertanz
09 DE433330496518 HM De Niro Gold – Ron Rubin
11 DE431316640119 HM Don Martillo – Desperados
13 DE433330368719 HM Don Schufro – Fürst Heinrich
14 DE433330388019 HM Erdinger – Fürst Piccolo
15 DE433330387919 HM Erdinger – Royal Diamond
16 DE433330685019 HM Escamillo – Fürstenball
17 DE433330545019 HM Escolar – Florestan I
20 DE433330291219 HM Farell – Sorento
21 DE481810014519 HM For Dance – Goldeberg
25 DE433330318319 HM Foundation – Destano
26 DE433334036318 HM Fürstenball – Totilas
27 DE473730517419 HM Fürst Samarant – Sandro King
29 DE433330475319 HM Fürst Toto – Sir Donnerhall I
30 NLD003201900004 HM Glamourdale – Uphill
42 DE433330350619 HM Secret – San Amour I
43 DE433330462019 HM Secret – Sandro Hit
45 DE43333074551 HM Sezuan’s Donnerhall – Fürstenball
46 DE441410482419 HM Stoiber SN – Acodetto I
47 DE433330119719 HM Totilas – Don Romantic
49 DE433330093918 HM Veneziano – Zack
50 DE433330521419 HM Vitalis – San Amour I
52 DE433330438819 HM Zoom – De Niro
53 DNK333DW1901723 HM Secret _ Damon Hill
54 NLD003201908285 HM Vivaldi – Apache
Events 2021
4. Dezember 6. Oldenburger Special Edition
01 Summerville DE330229017 WM-Rpf Sezuan - Diamond Hit - Florencio I
02 Fleur Belle DE330154418 WM-Rpf Fürst Romancier - Don Larino - Wolkentanz
03 Shakar DE330420218 WM-Rpf Secret - Ampere - Rubin-Royal
04 Rendezvous DE330702217 WM-Rpf Revolution - Ampere - Sandro Hit
05 Dot com DE330781216 WM-Rpf Don Juan de Hus - Dimaggio - Avignon
06 Fürst Rover DE330151718 WM-Rpf Fürst Wilhelm - Dimaggio - Rover
07 Ferrero DE330156219 WM-Rpf Fürstenball - San Amour I - Florestan I
08 Ernesto DE330259019 WM-Rpf Erdinger - Stedinger - Welt Hit II
09 Nemo DE180117816 WM-Rpf Nabab de Reve - Van Gogh - Argentinus
10 Coccolino DE180238217 WM-Rpf Comme il faut NRW - Sandro - Laurin
11 Checker DE180075517 WM-Rpf Chacoon Blue - Diarado - Quidam's Rubin
12 Dilara DE182555616 WM-Rpf Dio Cabrio - Cantoblanco - Beach Boy
13 Fidelio DE330562014 WM-Rpf Fidertanz - Romanov Blue Hors - Sandro Hit
14 Trentino DE334005118 WM-Rpf Totilas - Fürst Romancier - Sandro Hit
15 Descartes DE330055418 WM-Rpf Desperado - Sir Donnerhall I - Donnerschwee
16 Feinsinn DE330274017 WM-Rpf Feinrich - Don Primero - Rohdiamant
17 Fun Time DE332076217 WM-Rpf Franklin - Royal Diamond - Rouletto
18 Florida DE330568616 WM-Rpf First Ampere - Davignon - Wedding
19 Impressive DE330568919 WM-Rpf Ibiza - Fidertanz - De Niro
20 Versace DE330521419 WM-Rpf Vitalis - San Amour I - De Niro
21 Dallas Boy DE180378417 WM-Rpf Dallas - Loran - Calvadur
22 Coleona DE180058815 WM-Rpf Conthargos - Calido - Diadem
23 Vachichi DE180157218 WM-Rpf Vagabond de la Pomme - Chin Chin - Zeus
24 Di Livio DE330888617 WM-Rpf De Niro - Fidertanz - Alabaster
25 Voyage DE330152718 WM-Rpf Vitalis - San Amour I - Liberty M
26 Imagine Dragon DE330134717 WM-Rpf Asgard's Ibiza - Fürstenball - Sandro
29 Jackpot DE330544219 WM-Rpf Jovian - Stedinger - Wesley
31 Babu DE180140917 WM-Rpf Balou du Rouet - Junior Mariner - Cordeur
32 La Belle DE181105717 WM-Rpf Diamant de Plaisir - Lambrusco Ask - Casir Ask
33 Delgado DE330054818 WM-Rpf Desperado - Sir Donnerhall I - Donnerschwee
34 Quandieu DE330459717 WM-Rpf Quantensprung - Depardieu - Lavauzelle AA
35 Fiorucci DE332074718 WM-Rpf Franklin - Uphill - Sandro Hit
36 Fantasia DE330853617 WM-Rpf Fahrenheit - Don Schufro - Ordensglanz
18. - 20. November Oldenburger Hengst-Tage
OS - Hengste / OS Stallions
Hengstvorauswahl / stallion pre-selection
01 DE418180460719 HM Andiamo Semilly - Lordanos
02 DE418180468719 HM Cacun – Arpeggio
03 DE418180076519 HM Cartogran - Controller
04 DE418180503319 HM Casall - Tangelo van de Zuuthoeve
05 DE421000187719 HM Casall - Corofino
06 DE418180226119 HM Cascadello I – Quilot
07 DE418180074219 HM Casino Berlin - Corlensky G
08 DE418180482719 HM Chacco-Blue - Fetiche Du Pas
09 BEL015Z55015119 HM Chacco-Blue - Diamant De Semilly
10 DE418180372719 HM Colman – Zento
11 DE418180325919 HM Colman - Contender
12 DE418180483919 HM Comme il faut NRW - Centurion
13 DE418180420418 HM Comme Prévu - Landor S
14 DE418180090219 HM Conthargos - Toulon
15 DE418180169119 HM Conthargos - Couleur-Rubin
16 DE418180499219 HM Conthargos - Casall
17 DE421000128918 HM Cooper - Coriano
18 DE418180234219 HM Cornet Obolensky - Argentinus
19 DE418180474219 HM Cornet Obolensky - Cassini I
20 DE441410801519 HM Dallas VDL - Balou du Rouet
21 DE431318100419 HM Diacontinus - Cassini II
22 BEL015Z55346019 HM Diamant De Semilly - Lord Pezi
23 DE418180283319 HM Emerald van het Ruytershof - Burggraaf
24 DE421000182519 HM Halifax van het Kluizebos - Connor
25 NLD003201902297 HM Heartbreaker - Carthago
26 DE418180204319 HM Hickstead White - Check In
27 DE418181028719 HM Hickstead White – Cagliostro
28 DE431310600519 HM Jaloubet K VDL - Embassy I
29 DE421000109719 HM Jaloubet K VDL - Cassin
30 DE418180221519 HM Lord Fauntleroy - Ludwig von Bayern
31 DE418180301419 HM Lord Pezi - Diarado
32 DE418180080219 HM Lord Pezi - Ustinov
33 DE418180081019 HM Mister Zinedine - Baloubet du Rouet
34 BEL002W00321777 HM Nixon van het Meulenhof - Nabab de Reve
35 BEL015Z55323619 HM Quick Star - Chin Chin
36 DE421000304619 HM Unlimited - Leovisto
37 DE421000304519 HM Unlimited - Chin Champ
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Freispringen / Free jumping
Prämierung / Award of premium
Fotogalerie Hengst-Tage
01 DE418180460719 HM Andiamo Semilly – Lordanos
02 DE418180468719 HM Cacun – Arpeggio
04 DE418180503319 HM Casall - Tangelo van de Zuuthoeve
05 DE421000187719 HM Casall – Corofino
06 DE418180226119 HM Cascadello I – Quilot
07 DE418180074219 HM Casino Berlin - Corlensky G
08 DE418180482719 HM Chacco-Blue - Fetiche Du Pas
09 BEL015Z55015119 HM Chacco-Blue - Diamant De Semilly
10 DE418180372719 HM Colman – Zento
12 DE418180483919 HM Comme il faut NRW – Centurion
13 DE418180420418 HM Comme Prévu - Landor S
14 DE418180090219 HM Conthargos – Toulon
15 DE418180169119 HM Conthargos – Couleur-Rubin
16 DE418180499219 HM Conthargos – Casall
17 DE421000128918 HM Cooper – Coriano
18 DE418180234219 HM Cornet Obolensky – Argentinus
19 DE418180474219 HM Cornet Obolensky - Cassini I
20 DE441410801519 HM Dallas VDL - Balou du Rouet
21 DE431318100419 HM Diacontinus - Cassini II
22 BEL015Z55346019 HM Diamant De Semilly - Lord Pezi
23 DE418180283319 HM Emerald van het Ruytershof – Burggraaf
24 DE421000182519 HM Halifax van het Kluizebos – Connor
25 NLD003201902297 HM Heartbreaker – Carthago
26 DE418180204319 HM Hickstead White - Check In
27 DE418181028719 HM Hickstead White – Cagliostro
28 DE431310600519 HM Jaloubet K VDL - Embassy I
29 DE421000109719 HM Jaloubet K VDL – Cassin
30 DE418180221519 HM Lord Fauntleroy - Ludwig von Bayern
31 DE418180301419 HM Lord Pezi – Diarado
32 DE418180080219 HM Lord Pezi – Ustinov
33 DE418180081019 HM Mister Zinedine - Baloubet du Rouet
34 BEL002W00321777 HM Nixon van het Meulenhof - Nabab de Reve
35 BEL015Z55323619 HM Quick Star - Chin Chin
36 DE421000304619 HM Unlimited – Leovisto
37 DE421000304519 HM Unlimited - Chin Champ
OL - Hengste / OL Stallions
Hengstvorauswahl / stallion pre-selection
40 DE431316961119 HM Ballantines – Finest
41 DE433330156119 HM Benicio - Quattro B
42 DE433330925019 HM Dancier Gold – Detroit
43 DE433330878319 HM De Niro Gold – Johnson
44 NLD003201905451 HM Deparon – Havidoff
45 DE433330624119 HM Diamond Deluxe – Foundation
46 DE433332142219 HM Diamond First - Bon Coeur
47 DE433330732819 HM Diamond First – Swarovski
48 DE441410006319 HM Don Allegro - Sarkozy
49 DE433330190319 HM Don Martillo - San Amour I
50 DE433330586019 HM Erdinger – Fidertanz
51 DE433330756619 HM Erdinger - Donnerball
52 DE433330031219 HM Escamillo - Sandro Hit
53 DE433330469119 HM Escamillo - Florencio I
54 DE433330893419 HM Escamillo – Vitalis
55 DE433330655619 HM Escolar - Sandro Hit
56 DE433330088719 HM Farrell - Bon'A Parte
57 DE433330755119 HM Fidertanz - Sir Donnerhall I
58 DE481810005319 HM Floricello – Ampere
59 DE431319829919 HM Follow Him's Schönweide – Silberschmied
60 DE433330155419 HM Foundation - Bretton Woods
61 DE431310808119 HM Fürst Toto - Royal Classic
62 DE433334031419 HM Fürst Toto - Fürst Romancier
63 DE433330033519 HM Fürstenball - Diamond Hit
64 DE431316808919 HM Glamourdale – Londonderry
65 DE433330553419 HM Asgard's Ibiza - Florencio I
66 DE433330307519 HM Indian Rock - For Romance I
67 DE433330898219 HM Jovian - Benaggio
68 NLD003201905222 HM Kaiman - Grand Galaxy Win T
69 DE433330865519 HM Londoner - Hotline
70 DE441410442419 HM Marc Cain - Donnerhall
71 DE433330905119 HM Mykonos - Fürst Romancier
72 DE433330634219 HM Quasi Gold MD - Floriscount
73 DE433330098419 HM Rubin-Royal - Fürst Wilhelm
74 DE433330481719 HM Sandro Hit - De Niro
75 DE431310141319 HM Secret - Follow Me
76 DE433330007719 HM Secret - Fürst Romancier
77 DE433330376219 HM Secret – Fürstenball
78 DE433330465319 HM Secret – Stedinger
79 DE433330088419 HM Sezuan - De Niro
80 DE433332144919 HM Santo Domingo – Feuerspiel
81 DE433330353419 HM Suarez - Dante Weltino
82 DE433330184219 HM Top Gear - Sandro Hit
83 DE433330576719 HM Total Hope - Sir Donnerhall I
84 DE433330100119 HM Valverde – Floriscount
85 DE433330576819 HM Vitalis - Apache
86 NLD003201904614 HM Vivaldi – Rousseau
87 DE433330837019 HM Vivaldi - De Niro
88 NLD003201903967 HM Zenon - Spielberg
Dreiecksbahn / Presentation on the triangle
Longieren / Longing
Freilaufen / Free presentation
Prämierung / Award of premium
Fotogalerie Hengst-Tage 2021
40 DE431316961119 HM Ballantines – Finest
41 DE433330156119 HM Benicio - Quattro B
42 DE433330925019 HM Dancier Gold – Detroit
43 DE433330878319 HM De Niro Gold – Johnson
44 NLD003201905451 HM Deparon – Havidoff
46 DE433332142219 HM Diamond First - Bon Coeur
47 DE433330732819 HM Diamond First – Swarovski
48 DE441410006319 HM Don Allegro – Sarkozy
49 DE433330190319 HM Don Martillo - San Amour I
50 DE433330586019 HM Erdinger – Fidertanz
51 DE433330756619 HM Erdinger – Donnerball
53 DE433330469119 HM Escamillo - Florencio I
55 DE433330655619 HM Escolar - Sandro Hit
56 DE433330088719 HM Farrell - Bon'A Parte
57 DE433330755119 HM Fidertanz - Sir Donnerhall I
58 DE481810005319 HM Floricello – Ampere
59 DE431319829919 HM Follow Him's Schönweide – Silberschmied
60 DE433330155419 HM Foundation - Bretton Woods
61 DE431310808119 HM Fürst Toto – Royal Classic
62 DE433334031419 HM Fürst Toto – Fürst Romancier
63 DE433330033519 HM Fürstenball – Diamond Hit
64 DE431316808919 HM Glamourdale – Londonderry
65 DE433330553419 HM Asgard's Ibiza - Florencio I
66 DE433330307519 HM Indian Rock - For Romance I
67 DE433330898219 HM Jovian – Benaggio
68 NLD003201905222 HM Kaiman - Grand Galaxy Win T
69 DE433330865519 HM Londoner – Hotline
70 DE441410442419 HM Marc Cain – Donnerhall
71 DE433330905119 HM Mykonos - Fürst Romancier
72 DE433330634219 HM Quasi Gold MD – Floriscount
73 DE433330098419 HM Rubin-Royal - Fürst Wilhelm
74 DE433330481719 HM Sandro Hit - De Niro
75 DE431310141319 HM Secret - Follow Me
77 DE433330376219 HM Secret – Fürstenball
78 DE433330465319 HM Secret – Stedinger
79 DE433330088419 HM Sezuan - De Niro
80 DE433330695019 HM Sezuan – Jazz
81 DE433330353419 HM Suarez - Dante Weltino
82 DE433330184219 HM Top Gear - Sandro Hit
83 DE433330576719 HM Total Hope - Sir Donnerhall I
84 DE433330100119 HM Valverde – Floriscount
85 DE433330576819 HM Vitalis – Apache
88 NLD003201903967 HM Zenon - Spielberg
5. - 11. Oktober Hengstvorauswahl / stallion pre-selection
OS - Hengste / OS stallions
02 DE418180525919 HM Argentinus - Contango
03 DE418180373819 HM Colman - Carinjo
05 DE418180134119 HM Convall - Heartbreaker
08 DE418180340619 HM Diaron - Cornet Obolensky
11 DE418180504419 HM Zidane D. - Last Man Standing
12 DE431310605119 HM Zornell II - Cornet's Balou
13 DE418180510719 HM By Cera D'ick - Clinton I
15 DE418180142519 HM Chacoon Blue - Cascadello I
17 DE421000516319 HM Colman - Lux
24 BEL015Z55465419 HM Million Dollar - Crunch
26 DE418180297519 HM Stakkatol - Solitair
29 DE433330150819 HM Cador - Calido
30 DE418180395819 HM Casalido - Chellano Z
33 DE418184033319 HM Chacfly PS - Toulouse
34 DE431316769519 HM Chacoon Blue - Balou du Rouet
35 DE418180320019 HM Chacoon Blue - Argentinus
37 DE418180325119 HM Conthargos - Verdi
41 DE418180361519 HM Diamant De Semilly - C-Indoctro
43 DE418180169019 HM Diarado - Argentinus
47 DE418180194019 HM I'm Special de Muze - Baloubet du Rouet
48 DE418180400919 HM Lethago Z - Cola
57 DE418181028419 HM Cornet de Semilly - Stakkato Gold
58 DE418180177619 HM Dia Corrado - Light On
59 DE418180517119 HM Dia Corrado - Contendro I
62 DE418180491119 HM Eldorado van de Zeshoek - Cellestial
66 DE427270169519 HM I'm Special de Muze - Quaid Fight
74 DE418180231219 HM Zinedine - Allegreto
75 BEL015Z55149519 HM Balou du Rouet - Quaprice
76 NLD003201902963 HM Balou du Rouet - Ahorn
79 BEL015Z55393319 HM Casallco - Zacharov
81 DE418180472619 HM Chacoon Blue - Continue
82 DE418180213419 HM Chacoon Blue - Lordanos
83 DE418180389419 HM Chacoon Blue - Numero Uno
84 DE418180157319 HM Comme il faut NRW - Carrico
87 DE418180404219 HM Cornet de Semilly - Va-Vite
90 DE418180095019 HM Halifax van het Kluizebos - Diamant De Semilly
92 DE418180495919 HM Herakles - Zirocco Blue
93 DE418180455619 HM I'm Special de Muze - Cornet's Stern
98 DE427270172319 HM Camsican - Polypur
99 DE441411039418 HM Chacco's Son II - Con Capitol
104 DE418180466819 HM Flexible - Armitage
106 DE418180473919 HM Like Angel - Don Diarado
107 BEL015Z55392719 HM Mylord Carthago - I am Moerhoeves Star
108 NLD003201900190 HM Nixon van het Meulenhof - Last Man Standing
110 DE421000162019 HM Casall - Diamant De Semilly
116 DE418180226719 HM Don VHP Z - Zatinus
117 DE421000163419 HM Emerald van het Ruytershof - Casall
118 NLD003201900700 HM Halifax van het Kluizebos - Zirocco Blue
123 DE418180325819 HM Zinedream - Corrado I
125 DE418180102519 HM Ogano Sitte - Couleur-Rubin
OL - Hengste / OL stallions
01 DE433330080119 HM Baron - De Niro
02 DE433330095319 HM Best of Gold - Licotus
04 DE433330922919 HM Danone I - Serano Gold
08 DE433330116819 HM Escamillo - San Amour I
10 NLD003201907068 HM Ferguson - Flemmingh
12 DE456560358119 HM For Dance - Meraldik
13 NLD003201904954 HM Fürst Jazz - Wynton
15 DE433330193119 HM Asgard's Ibiza - Dante Weltino
16 DE433330574419 HM Asgard's Ibiza - Fidertanz
19 DE433330741219 HM Jovian - Don Crusador
22 DE433334035519 HM Sezuan's Donnerhall - Follow Me
23 DE433330233919 HM Sir Donnerhall I - Weltmeyer
29 NLD003201904024 HM Zenon - Sandro Song
31 DE433330043819 HM Benefit - Floriscount
32 DE433330887619 HM Benefit - Olivi
37 DE433330021519 HM Erdinger - Desperados
38 DE433330662419 HM Escamillo - Samba Hit II
39 DE433330834419 HM For Final - Rousseau
41 NLD003201904971 HM For Romance I - Sorento
45 DE433330160719 HM La Vie - Negro
48 DE433330766619 HM Romanov Blue Hors - Sandro Hit
49 DE431314204419 HM Rotspon - Don Crusador
57 DE433330189819 HM De Niro Gold - Sandro Hit
58 DE433330383819 HM Erdinger - Fürstenball
60 DE433330178219 HM Escolar - Sandro Hit
65 DE433330652619 HM For Gold - Rascalino
66 DE433330364919 HM For Romance I - Romanov Blue Hors
67 DE433330620619 HM For Romance I - Dancier
68 DE433330647719 HM Foundation - Wolkentanz
72 DE433330748219 HM Fürst Jazz - Londonderry
73 DE433330122319 HM Fürst Toto - Don Larino
75 DE433330251119 HM Asgard's Ibiza - Florencio I
80 DE433332144919 HM Santo Domingo – Feuerspiel
82 DNK333DW1901723 HM Secret - Damon Hill
84 DE433330888419 HM Valverde - Stedinger
86 DE433330889019 HM Zackerey - Sunny-Boy
88 DE433330435919 HM Dante's Junior - Christ
89 DE433330675819 HM Dante's Junior - De Niro
91 DE433330893319 HM Escamillo - Diamond Hit
95 NLD003201900607 HM Fontaine TN - Voice
97 NLD003201902824 HM For Romance I - Metall
98 DE441410317319 HM For Romance I - Show Star
100 DE433330339519 HM Goldball - Sunny-Boy
102 DE433330587819 HM Asgard's Ibiza - De Niro
109 DE433330089719 HM Santo Domingo - Florencio I
113 DNK333DW1900534 HM Total Hope - Lauries Crusador xx
117 DE433330703519 HM Zenon - Fürsten-Look
118 DE431310853519 HM Zenon - Sir Donnerhall I
125 DE433330053519 HM Escolar - Fidertanz
126 DE433330291219 HM Farrell - Sorento
128 DE433330120919 HM For Romance I - Fidertanz
129 DE433330139719 HM Governor - Bretton Woods
130 DE433330195819 HM Asgard's Ibiza - Cosmopolitan
135 DE433330225619 HM Sansibar AK - Fidertanz
136 DE433330179119 HM Secret - Fürstenball
142 DE433330767319 HM Zackerey - Ehrenwort
143 DE433330047919 HM Baron - Diomedes
147 DE433330143819 HM Follow Him's Schönweide - Don Romantic
150 DE433330676119 HM Fürst Toto - Donnerhall
155 DE433330403919 HM Morricone I - Florestan I
156 DNK333DW1903430 HM Quaterhit - Blue Hors Leredo
158 DE433330163719 HM Secret - His Highness
161 DE433330867818 HM Vitalis - Le Vainqueur
164 DE433330877619 HM Vitalis - Royal Dance
166 DE433330713919 HM Zackerey - Sir Donnerhall I
171 DE433330131019 HM Baron - De Niro
172 DE431310149719 HM Bon Coeur - Londonderry
173 DE433330767919 HM Borsalino - Duke of Oldenburg
176 DE433330435219 HM Floriscount - Quaterback
178 DE433330095519 HM Franziskus - Fürst Fugger
180 DE433330841119 HM Q-Sieben - Tomahawk
182 DE431310141919 HM Secret - Scuderia
184 DE433330538319 HM Sezuan's Donnerhall - Weltmeyer
185 DE433334009219 HM Vitalis - Fürst Heinrich
187 DE431310257619 HM Devonport - Weltmeyer
1. - 2. Oktober 95. Elite-Auktion / 95th Elite Auction
Elite-Sportpferde / Elite sport horses
Elite-Fohlen / Elite foals
04. September 23. Elite-Fohlenauktion / 23rd Elite Foal Auction
01 Cadeau de Mariage DE433330453221 Cadeau Noir - Fahrenheit
02 Viva Musica DE433330270221 Vitalis - Sandro Hit - Rubioso N
04 Global Hit DE433330127221 Global Player - Sandro Hit - Alemao
05 Chacco Brown DE418180575621 Chacco-Blue - Canturano - Ramiro
06 Cherry Lady DE418180563521 Cornet Obolensky - Caretino - Landlord
07 Ed Hardy DE418180595021 Emerald v.h. Ruytershof - Tangelo v.d.Zuuthoeve
08 Cote d'Azur DE418180203321 Chacfly PS - Baloubet du Rouet - Atatürk
09 Feiner Friese DE433330442621 Fürstenball - Sandro Hit - Rubinstein I
10 Tapesi DE433330103221 Taurus - Belantis I - Just Perfect
11 Victoria Woods DE433332271221 Vivaldos - Bretton Woods - Sir Donnerhall I
12 Fürst Wladimir DE433330079121 For Romance I - San Amour I - Rotspon
13 Buckingham DE433330536521 Bonds - Sandro Hit - Rubinstein I
14 Entertainer DE418180025321 Eldorado v.d. Zeshoek - Ustinov - Contende
15 Coachella DE418180595221 Crack - Cassini I - Coriander
16 Nashville DE418180207221 Nevados S - Verdi - Darco
17 Viscount of Oldenburg DE433330641121 Viva Gold - Sorento - Weltmeyer
18 Baron de Baley DE433330667521 Baron - Florencio - Sunny Boy
19 Desiree DE433334018121 Donier - Sir Donnerhall I - Castro
20 Vizekönig DE433330652221 Vaderland - Sir Donnerhall I - Beach Boy
21 Valerie DE433330101221 Valverde - Don Schufro - Fürst Piccolo
22 Coronel DE418180460721 Cornet Obolensky - Untouchable - Caretino
23 Chunky Flavour DE418180594321 Chaccon Blue - Cornado I - Ferragamo
24 Double Clear DE418180507021 Don VHP Z - Galan - Ahorn Z
25 Big Bang DE433330785021 Bonds - Sir Donnerhall I - Rubioso N
26 Viva Wadenspanner DE433330790121 Va Bene - De Niro - Christ
27 Future man DE433330430121 For Romance I - Bailamos Biolley - Don Bosco
28 Mon Chateau DE433330037821 Morricone I - Don Romantic - Duntroon
29 Victoria Eugenia DE433330748221 Vitalis - Danciano - Sandro Hit
17./18. August Fohlenregistrierung Vechta / Foal registration Vechta
DE418180594221 Chacoon Blue - Cornet Obolensky - Kashmir v.h. Schuttershof
DE433330045221 Fynch Hatton - Fürst Romancier - Carry Gold
DE418180492621 Stakkato Gold - Clinton - Coriano
DE433330062121 Von und Zu - De Niro - Langata Son
DE433334001921 So Unique - Totilas - Sir Donnerhall I
DE433330008321 Valverde - Donnerhall - Lanthan
DE433330072521 Bonds - Diamond Hit - Sandro
DE433330804321 Sir Donnerhall I - Dante Weltino - Donnerball
DE433330785521 Livius - Gribaldi/T. - Garanco
DE433330528221 Bon Coeur - Sir Donnerhall I - Lord Sinclair
DE433330008921 Fürst Romancier - Franziskus - De Niro
DE433330626021 Escolar - Serano Gold - De Niro
DE418180482721 Charthago Blue - For Pleasure - Calett
DE433330804621 Erdinger - Bon Coeur - Hotline
DE418180380621 Central Park - Hermes de Lux - Aloube Z
DE433334005321 Sir Donnerhall I - Fürst Romancier - Sandro Hit
DE418180207121 For Treasure - Cornet Obolensky - Atego
DE433334012721 Don Romance - Wynton - Dimaggio
DE433330183221 For Romance I - De Niro - Argentinus
DE433330793321 So Perfect - Hennessy - Vivaldi
DE433330783721 Spielberg - Jazz - Katouchon
DE433330757321 Jovian - Diamond Hit - De Niro
1. August 29. Fohlenmarkt Vechta
31. Juli 22. Elite-Fohlenauktion / 22nd Elite Foal Auction
3. Juli Fohlenregistrierung Vechta / Foal registration Vechta
OS - Fohlen
303 DE418180559221 Carembar de Muze (London) - Chacco-Blue
304 DE418180402521 Carrera VDL - Casallco
305 DE418180381621 Casscavelle NT - Chacco-Blue
307 DE418180229721 Chacoon Blue - Cento
309 DE418180375821 Columbus Z - Lifestyle
311 DE418181106121 Comme Prévu - Casino Grande
312 DE418180192121 Conthalou - Clinton II
313 DE418180419021 Conthargos - Chico's Boy
314 DE418184036121 Conthargos - Toulon
316 DE418180439721 Dia Corrado - Coupe de Coeur
317 DE418180562621 Don VHP Z - Catoki
318 DE418180540421 Eldorado van de Zeshoek - Clinton II
319 DE418180517821 For Planet - Continus Stern
320 DE418180063521 For Planet - Recaro Brillant
324 DE418180089021 Kannatol - Balou du Rouet
326 DE418180432121 Tangelo van de Zuuthoeve - Toulon
327 DE418180229821 Varihoka du Temple - Kannan
330 DE418184002621 Varihoka du Temple - Ludwig von Bayern
331 DE418180541721 Verdi - Concetto
332 DE418180124921 Colman - Conthargos
333 DE418180551221 Classic Conthero - Casall
334 DE418180551121 Classic Conthero - Cassini II
335 DE 418180571121 Chacco-Blue - Balou du Rouet
OL - Fohlen
02 DE433330552921 Benicio - De Niro
03 DE433330576521 Bohemian - For Romance I
04 DE433330528221 Bon Coeur - Sir Donnerhall I
05 DE433332100621 Bon Courage - Sir Donnerhall I
06 DE433330536221 Bonds - Fürstenball
09 DE433330718921 Bonds - Vitalis
10 DE433330718721 FBR Bonds - Fürstenball
11 DE433330524921 Bon Vivaldi NRW - Foundation
13 DE433330481021 Confess Color - Renier
15 DE433330021221 Danciero - Sir Donnerhall I
18 DE433330057321 Donier - Fürstenball
22 DE433334021921 Dynamic Dream - Florencio I
24 DE433330533421 Dynamic Dream - Fidertanz
25 DE433330766521 Fahrenheit - De Niro
26 DE433330768421 Fahrenheit - Bordeaux
28 DE433330057521 Filou - Fürst Fugger
29 DE433332106821 Finest - De Niro
31 DE433330742121 Floriscount - De Niro
32 DE433330517421 Franz Joseph Junior - Hotline
33 DE433330587921 Fürstenball - Romanov Blue Hors
34 DE433330533821 Fürst Magic - Rubin-Royal
35 DE433334011321 Fürst Toto - Ron William
36 DE433334025621 Fynch Hatton - Sandro
39 DE433330674621 Glamourdale - Feinrich
40 DE433330674921 FBR Glamourdale - Feinrich
41 DE433334016421 Jovian - Sezuan
42 DE433330213921 Kjento - Don Romantic
43 DE433330482221 Maracaná - De Niro
45 DE433330055321 Millennium/T. - Donnerball
47 DE433330034221 Monte Carlo TC (DWB) - Dante Weltino
49 DE433330765521 Q-Sieben - Totilas
54 DE433330370821 San Amour I - Florestan I
55 DE433330264421 Santo Domingo - Florencio I
57 DE433332104521 Secret - San Amour I
58 DE433330535221 Sezuan - Don Schufro
61 DE433330757121 So Unique - Fürstenball
62 DE433330629821 Springbank II - Rockefeller (DK)
63 DE433330616021 Total Hope - Vivaldi
64 DE433334013321 Total McLaren - San Amour I
66 DE433330642421 Vaderland - Diomedes
67 DE433330568021 Valverde - Fashion Maker
68 DE433332018721 Van Vivaldi - Negro
70 DE433330613621 Vitalis - Dante Weltino
72 DE433330665121 Viva Gold - Zack
74 DE433330629621 Vivino - St. Schufro
26. Juni Fohlenchampionat Bonefeld / Foal championship Bonefeld
01 DE433330046521 Bailador - Glorieux
03 DE433330714921 Bohemian - For Romance I
05 DE433330784421 Feinrich - Vitalis
08 DE433330774221 McLaren - Londonderry
09 DE 433332218521 Moreno - Don Bedo I
10 DE433330199821 Santo Domingo - Faveur
11 DE433330712721 Topas - Patriot
12 DE433330002621 Vaderland - Quaterback
13 DE433330771421 Benicio - Don Juan de Hus
14 DE433330765321 Bon Coeur - Lord Loxley
15 DE433330705621 Bonds - Jazz
16 DE433334031021 Diaron - Champion For Pleasure
18 DE433330679921 Fidelity - Dante Weltino
19 DE433330787321 For Ferrero vdB - Surprice
20 DE433330628521 For Romance I - Riccio
21 DE433330685021 Marc Cain - Bernay
22 DE433330665821 Viva Gold - Ricardos
301 DE418180557321 C-Back to Germany - Lupicor
302 DE418180371121 Chamberland - Dieu-Merci van T&L
303 DE418180389921 Chamberland - Landjunge
304 DE418180455521 Kannan - Untouchable
306 DE418180020821 Kassander van 't Roosakker - Ludwig von Bayern
307 DE 418180558421 Ustinov ME - Untouchable
309 DE418181109421 Cador - Lord Z
310 DE418181105521 Cador - El Bundy
311 DE418180161621 Casalido - C-Indoctro
312 DE418180244721 Corrinaro - Quebec
313 DE418180558521 George Z - Untouchable
314 DE418180004021 Hickstead White - Centesimo
315 DE418181106521 Like Pleasure M - Rouletto
20. Juni Homberger Fohlenchampionat / Homberger foal championship
OS - Fohlen
OL - Fohlen
13. Juni 5. OSE Elite-Fohlen / 5th OSE Elite Foals
12. Juni 5. OSE Reitpferde / 5th OSE Sport Horses
25. Mai SLP OS Vechta / Mare performance test OS Vechta
1 DE433330053916 Hickstead White - Cordalme
3 DE418180297516 Vigo D_Arsouill - Cento
4 DE418181032716 Hickstead White - Grannus
6 DE410100881317 Cassus - Van Helsing
7 DE418180335917 Kiwi - Arpeggio
8 DE418182589017 Carleyle - Mylord Carthago
9 DE418180324317 Lordanos - Argentinus
10 DE418180155917 Ogano - Abke
11 DE418180303617 Bubalu VDL - Great Pleasure
12 DE421000510717 Action Breaker - Acodetto I
13 DE418184014617 Chacoon Blue - Landjoker
14 DE418182098217 Casino Grade - Landfrieden
15 DE418180140717 Balou du Rouet - Cordeur
16 DE418180152117 Dallas VDL - Last Liberty
17 DE418180197518 Hickstead White - Couleur-Rubin
18 DE418180271418 Diamant de Quidam - Chin Chin
19 DE418180430018 SLP Toulon - Diamant de Semilly
20 DE418180082118 Chacfly PS - Vivant v.d. Heffinck
21 DE418180441618 Ogano Sitte - Le Tot de Semilly
23 DE418180081718 Chacfly PS - Diarado
24 DE418180232318 Conthargos - Contendro I
25 DE418188559215 Graf Top - Night and Day
26 DE418188559215 Canstakko - Heraldik xx
27 DE418180184917 Figari - Rio Zeus
28 DE418180228017 Casallco - Carry Gold
31 DE433330726617 Clintissimo - Landor S
34 DE418181080117 Caro Gold - Just Spectacula
35 DE418180300418 Hickstead White - Heraldik xx
36 DE418180300718 Hickstead White - Cassini II
37 DE418180065518 Casino Berlin - Quality
38 DE418181115318 Ogano - Ludwigs As
39 DE418180254818 Hickstead White - Cornado I
41 DE418180191818 Balou Peggio - Silvio I
43 DE418180416518 Kannan - Conthargos
44 DE418180428718 Diarado - Couleur-Rubin
45 DE418180428718 SLP Tangelo van de Zuuthoeve - Quidam de Revel
47 DE433334033718 Conthargos - Contendro I
14./15. Mai Fohlenregistrierung / Foal registration
6. Mai Fohlenregistrierung OL / Foal registration OL
6. Mai Fohlenregistrierung OS / Foal registration OS
1. Mai 20. Online Elite-Fohlenauktion / 20. Online Elite Foal Auction
19. - 21. April 10. Sattelkörung / 10th saddle licensing
10. April 94. Elite-Auktion / 94th Elite Auction
Events 2020
3. Oktober 93. Elite-Auktion / 93th Elite-Auction
40 DE 431310024221 Bellany - Finest - Londonderry
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